Quote Originally Posted by Lee
With me it isnt about the short-term rewards but rather, the long-term profits and statistically, the 100 affiliates who are able to start off sending 1 sale or so a month are a lot more likely to grow their signup levels than the guy already sending 100 sales a month.
I too am in for the long term. That's why I mentioned in the original post that you have a base rate for those who send a trickle here and there and then you go after the big fish. Sure you may lose a guy sending 100 signups a month, but you should be agressively pursuing those who can on a regular basis.

If I had someone who could send me 10 signups a day i would bend over backwards for him/her.

As far a losing someone sending 100 signups a month, you are losing them because they are not making the right amount of money with you. And if the guy sending you 100 signups a month is not making the right money with you chances are the other 100 affiliates are in the same boat as he is in, it may just take them a little longer to see it.