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Thread: Do You Ever Get Headaches From Certain Foods?

  1. #16
    dont be jealous becuase i'm beautiful, be jealous because i just fucked your boyfriend
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    Have you tried those new Coke Zero products i mentioned above?

    They have no caffeine, no sodium and no sugar or carbs, they really are great


    I usually do caffeine free coke or 7up. i just can't get my tastebuds to accept artificial sweetners. so i do full sugar just minus the caffeine

  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    I actually have acid reflux and i take Pepcid regularly to control it, unfortunately, that also means i cant drink regular sodas or juices and i need to go with low acid versions of juices or, recently, Cokes line of 'Zero' sodas and i have no problems.

    Pizzas i used to be able to eat by the pie so im wondering if it is a sign of old age LOL


    Nothing to add to the headache debate other than to say that MSG kills me.

    As for the Acid Reflux... I'm an expert... unfortunately.

    A few years back I started getting mild reflux after eating acidic (citrus, pineapple, tomato sauce, etc.) or greasy foods (pizza, burgers, bacon, etc.) but nothing that a few Rolaids couldn't cure. But the symptoms kept getting worse until I was finally forced to go to the doctor. At that point, a glass of water could cause reflux.

    The doctor I visited was old-school. He wanted me to take fricken' Maalox (does anybody actually still use that crap?) and CHANGE my diet! I told him "HELL NO!" and asked about all of the new prescription Reflux drugs.

    He reluctantly prescribed Prilosec (now available over-the-counter) and I never looked back. The problem with these type of drugs is that they don't soothe an already acidic stomach. You must take them BEFORE you eat, preferably everyday. I know about 20 minutes after I've consumed something if I've forgotten to take my pill for the day. And by then, it's too late and I have to chew a half a bottle of Rolaids and that rarely offers any comfort.

    In a pinch, Pepcid Complete (Famotidine) works ok. But other over-the-counter drugs like Xantac (Ranitidine) and Tagamet (Cimetidine) have never done a thing for me. The other prescription reflux drugs like Nexium and Prevacid work great but are very expensive.

  3. #18
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xstr8guy View Post
    At that point, a glass of water could cause reflux.
    Thats how badly i have it.

    When i last spoke to the doctor about this he said i probably did the damage when i was younger, the all-week parties, non-stop drinking, smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day, working all night in the clubs, etc.

    He reluctantly prescribed Prilosec (now available over-the-counter) and I never looked back. The problem with these type of drugs is that they don't soothe an already acidic stomach. You must take them BEFORE you eat, preferably everyday. I know about 20 minutes after I've consumed something if I've forgotten to take my pill for the day. And by then, it's too late and I have to chew a half a bottle of Rolaids and that rarely offers any comfort.

    In a pinch, Pepcid Complete (Famotidine) works ok. But other over-the-counter drugs like Xantac (Ranitidine) and Tagamet (Cimetidine) have never done a thing for me. The other prescription reflux drugs like Nexium and Prevacid work great but are very expensive.[/
    I tried Prilosec last year and i found it to be a huge pain, PepcidAC is not only cheaper but, you dont have to take it every day and, if you dont take it and get acid after eating, chew a Pepcid and within minutes it gives relief, im exactly the same way as you so far the other otc drugs, they do nothing for me and, some i found (orange or lemon flavored Tums for example) actually make the acid worse because of the acidic flavoring compounds they use



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