Do you have to be straight to run non-gay sites?

I dont htink it matters on the individuals sexual preference at the end of the day. If they can sell a product, site or service and make money then more power to them.

I know some very good straight webmasters who only market gay sites just as i know some webmasters who are gay that only market straight sites (try saying that when your drunk hehe).

As far as advantages or disadvantages, i dont htink there are many whichever side of the coin you look at, there will always be those gay webmasters who do not want to work with the straight webmasters just as their will always be straight webmasters who do not want to work with gay ones.

In an industry where we are all trying to do the same thing (make money) i cant see why we all just cant get along with one another regardless of age, gender, race, religeon or sexual preference.

