Originally posted by Bell
sounds pretty...

hey - that reminds me - you posted somewhere about a new project
you are developing for product sales - have you gotten any
closer to your goal on that ??

Capital wise; no. But I have designed the site, and it looks awesome! I have "prototypes" done of all the products I will be selling, and i've researched so much my head feels like it's starting to chuck other knowledge left and right to make room for it all .

I've put so much time and effort into this, it is truely a HUGE passion of mine. Now I just have to put the most important part in, the time and effort needed to raise the funds to make it happen. I'm going to ManPower tomorrow to try to get a desk job. My chances are shit since I only own jeans and tshirts ** I had a rediculously expensive wardrobe of clothing stolen from me and haven't been much of a shopper since. Half the clothes I dug out to replace them with are from highschool, and i'm 24. Not to mention my horrible vision, which I can only hide for so long from any potential employer.

Where there is a will there is a way though, and I don't care if I have to feel my way along walls to get from point A to B in an office; I WILL make this happen!

By the way, all this talk of flowers and such; there are a ton of different kinds of wildflowers around here and like I said I make my own potpouri; I wonder if I could bag it and sell it with my other products? Ever heard of gay potpouri? LOL, i'm thinking Pansy Passion or something haha. It does have Pansies in it after all.