Quote Originally Posted by nickbaer View Post
But that doesn't address the philosophical statement: with the Internet standard for porn pics being full frontal, why bother spending the money to print G rated pics in a print pub, with such frequency, over so many years?

At what point is the potential reader over saturated by impressions, that the impressions, the cost per impression, does noes motivate a new "click thru" action from pub to web browser.?

or is it all just "vanity", the gratification of seeing one's name in print in a tangible medium?
Good question. Most of our advertisers do it as a branding method as part of their marketing campaigns. Most of the guys I talk to believe in a mix of print and online, and given that there is fewer print mediums to spend their dollars on they use us. And they use creative tactics, and imagery to generate the eyes on their website.