You boys been under a rock the last 5 years?? I can find posts on Mercury in Retro on GWW dating back to July 2007~~!! LOL

Anyways -- the post with the most info ...

Above all else-

Refrain from signing contracts, do it before or after the retro phase

Expect delays, whether it's traveling schedules or the time your hernia surgery starts

Avoid purchasing electronic anything during the retro phase - they inevitably give you grief before they should

He said - she said ... Retro tends to muck with communications, so be sure what was said, is what was meant. Double check on all instructions, etc.

Starting new projects during retro isn't the best time, as they often aren't nearly as successful or profitable. Use retro to finish up projects, or fine tune ones completed earlier.

:knit: Retro isn't necessarily a negative time, it's just a time to sit back a bit and gather your self and your plans together and refocus your energies.