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Thread: Writing Articles For Traffic

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Writing Articles For Traffic

    We all know by now that content is king. In order to effectively market your products or services and to establish yourself as a leader in your industry, writing and distributing articles is the way to go. One of the primary benefits of getting your content rich articles indexed in the search engines is so that you can increase your websites’ overall PageRank, while continuing to build exposure for your company.

    Here are a few tips to get you started in the right direction:

    Add Popular Keyword Phrases In Your Article

    When writing your article, make sure to include popular keyword phrases in your headline, subheads and summary of your article. Make sure your site uses these words too. Placing these keywords and search terms may help prospects and the press identify your article when they run a search in the major news feeds.

    Include Your Website Link

    Whether it is in the author’s byline or in the body of the article, if you are going to write an article, make sure to include your website link within the article. This is the best way to get inbound links from other websites, without having to return the favor.

    Submit To GWW And Other Sites Such As PR Web

    Journalists increasingly rely on major search engines for their research. In order to get your press release found, indexed and ranked, you may want to consider submitting to an article distribution service like PR Web. PR Web sends press releases to major news search engines, including Google News and Yahoo News. Press releases distributed through PR Web are optimized for maximum organic search engine inclusion. Search engines can then crawl naturally and efficiently to index your press release.

    Identify The Best Websites For Your Article

    After optimizing your article, identify which websites to submit your article to. There are hundreds, if not thousands of publishers that are looking for quality content to publish. It is best to find high traffic websites that have the target audience you are looking for. To find these sites, simply perform a search in Google by placing relevant terms like “article submission” or “article directory” in the search box. For instance, if you are writing a self-help article, type the term “self-help articles” and target the websites that are on the first few pages of the search engine.

    Article Announcement Lists

    Announcement Lists are newsletters, groups or ezines, which allow you to "announce" your new articles to thousands of editors and publishers instantly. Most of these announcement lists are sent out daily to their subscribers. This means that you can have your article circulating to key editors and publishers within hours of completion.

    Become A Contributing Writer

    If you are you an accomplished or aspiring writer with something to contribute, you might consider becoming a contributing writer for an online community. Typically, you do not get paid for your work but the amount of exposure you get is invaluable. You also get credit for your article including a free link to your email address and your website!

    In summary, writing and distributing articles is one of the most promising ways to boost your site’s ranking in the search engines. In the process, you also benefit from building quality links to your site, gaining an editorial following and most importantly, sharing your knowledge with the rest of the world!

    Article written by Dali.

  2. #2
    GWW Newbie..Be Nice..
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    Nov 2013
    When you are writing content for attracting traffic on your website.
    There are many things that you should take into account like keyword density, etc. when writing such content.

  3. #3
    affordable web design india
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    Jan 2014
    While you are publishing articles intended for appealing to visitors in your web page.
    There are several things that you simply bear in mind similar to keyword solidity, etc. any time publishing such articles.

  4. #4
    language is my whore, my mistress, my check-out girl. conran's Avatar
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    I've seen great results creating unique content on the same domain, such as product reviews, which then link through to the item. With the Google attack on article submission sites and their new frenzy against anyone putting a link in a post to another site, this is more vital than ever.

    It's also a great way to boost your position against larger competitors. Amazon might have a lot of products and a lot of traffic, but creating a "*Product name* Review" on your own site can gain you a higher rank than them, simply because they don't have the manpower to write a long review for every product.
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    Primary business: Gay Content Writer

  5. #5
    GWW Newbie..Be Nice..
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    Feb 2015
    Sorry, I use google translator. What happens when the items are already written ?. How Google considers hundreds of pages with the same items?

  6. #6
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Arkero - Please introduce yourself and ask your question on the main forum. This is a tutorial that is 10 years old, and the writer is no longer an active member.

  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bec View Post
    Arkero - Please introduce yourself and ask your question on the main forum. This is a tutorial that is 10 years old, and the writer is no longer an active member.
    I'm around, infrequently, but still check in from time to time

  8. #8
    Banned Member
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    When you are writing content for attracting traffic on your website.

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