Maleflixxx/Sureflix dropped our white label site when we starting promoting other affiliate programs more heavily. We were with them for over 13 years. There should have been lots of residual income from all the customers they got from our site but they claimed because we weren't promoting our white label site continuously we lost all claim to any residual income from our former customers. They stopped paying me in July of 2014, $1276.77 - There were many times prior to that when checks had arrived late or they arrived only after I complained. I didn't contact them right away figuring they would catch up. Numerous emails went unanswered. In February, my rep said he'd been out with the flu but would check in to it. No reply to more emails until finally in April of 2015 I threatened with my attorney. In May of 2015 I got an email from the president stating we breeched our agreement. No prior notice, just cut us of almost one year before. He claimed their cost to keep up our white label site was costing them money. Yeah right. It's all computer based and we got only 20% commissions, surely the 80% form our customers paid well enough for their little computer work. I sometimes wish I had contacted an attorney...