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Thread: Get to know... Bell!

  1. #16
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    Would you have my babies?

    well cutie-pie...
    I wanted YOU to have our babies...


  2. #17
    "123Jason Asked:
    what is the most serious injury you've
    sustained in your lifetime?

    years and years ago...
    it broke my heart to go into early labor
    and have a premmie bthat contracted
    viral pnemonia while in the hospital trying to
    gain weight - he was born at 3.8 lbs went down
    to 2.14 then had started going back up and
    was at about 3.11 when he got the pnemonia...
    and stopped breathing... he recovered...
    gained a few more ounces and was released
    from the hospital... my little miracle baby...
    then 8 months later - while thinking the
    slow development was due to premature
    birth (etc.) the doctor told me that he
    had cerebral palsy...
    long story short - he does have cerebral palsy..
    and today other than not being able to walk
    he is a fine - healthy happy
    wonderful young man...
    but hearing that after all he'd gone through
    at birth - and hearing 8 months later that
    he was not "out of the woods"
    that... that broke my heart...
    the only other broken heart I have
    had - relates to loosing family members
    along the way... (them passing away)
    - - - - - - - - - - o o o "

    Bell...I am so touched that you were able to share this miracle in your life with all of us. You have been blessed and I'm so happy to know that you have him in your life. Thank you for helping to lift my soul today.

  3. #18
    Watcha done professionally for the last few years that would make anyone out there with a job opening stupid not to hire you?

    Movie theatre, or wait til it's out on video?

  4. #19
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Your turn to rub the magik lamp - what 3 wishes would you want granted?

  5. #20
    Originally posted by 123Jason
    "123Jason Asked:
    what is the most serious injury you've
    sustained in your lifetime?

    years and years ago...
    it broke my heart to go into early labor
    and have a premmie bthat contracted
    viral pnemonia while in the hospital trying to
    gain weight - he was born at 3.8 lbs went down
    to 2.14 then had started going back up and
    was at about 3.11 when he got the pnemonia...
    and stopped breathing... he recovered...
    gained a few more ounces and was released
    from the hospital... my little miracle baby...
    then 8 months later - while thinking the
    slow development was due to premature
    birth (etc.) the doctor told me that he
    had cerebral palsy...
    long story short - he does have cerebral palsy..
    and today other than not being able to walk
    he is a fine - healthy happy
    wonderful young man...
    but hearing that after all he'd gone through
    at birth - and hearing 8 months later that
    he was not "out of the woods"
    that... that broke my heart...
    the only other broken heart I have
    had - relates to loosing family members
    along the way... (them passing away)
    - - - - - - - - - - o o o "

    Bell...I am so touched that you were able to share this miracle in your life with all of us. You have been blessed and I'm so happy to know that you have him in your life. Thank you for helping to lift my soul today.

    what a sweet - tender - touching thing for you to say to me...
    thank you sweet soul...


  6. #21
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    Watcha done professionally for the last few years that would make anyone out there with a job opening stupid not to hire you?

    Movie theatre, or wait til it's out on video?

    o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
    BDBionic Asked:
    Watcha done professionally for the last few years that
    would make anyone out there with a job opening stupid
    not to hire you?

    maintained an impeccable reputation of integrity, dedication,
    goal oriented accomplishment and trustworthiness...
    (thank yuo for asking Brian...)
    - - - - - - - - - - o o o

    BDBionic Asked:
    Movie theatre, or wait til it's out on video?

    I love going to movie thearters... but...
    it is hard to sit still for that long...
    and I generally do wait till they come out on
    video... but then I like to have either theme
    parties at home (or a friends) centered around
    the party and fun snacks...
    - - - - - - - - - - o o o


  7. #22
    Originally posted by LdyLnWolf1
    Your turn to rub the magik lamp - what 3 wishes would you want granted?

    o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
    LadyLnWolf1 Asked:
    Your turn to rub the magik lamp - what 3 wishes would
    you want granted?

    If they were all 3 business related they would be:
    1. find a match between a company needing help and one
    I would be enthusiastic about helping...
    2. maintain my enjoyment level in online marketing...
    3. never experience career choice burn out...
    it was a toss up - I almost made number 3
    to never have the misfortune of being associated with
    a less than desirable company or person... but I trust
    my judgement and intuition enough to not need that to
    take up one of my 3 wishes...

    If they were personal - they would be:
    1. not die lonely
    2. maintain close loving relationships that "matter"
    3. stay healthy

    and if they could only be 3 in any combination
    they would be:
    1. stay healthy
    2. maintain enthusiasm for life - in all areas
    3. be remembered with a smile
    - - - - - - - - - - o o o

    I wondered if my sweet-birdie was going to ask
    me any Q's.... LOL...


  8. #23
    Dream vacation? Where to and what would ya do? Who would you take with ya?

    All of a sudden I became crazy generous and said "BELL! HERE'S A MILLION BUCKS! KNOCK YOURSELF OUT!!!" What would you do with it?

    What's more painful? A hangnail or stubbing your toe?

    On a scale of 1-10, rate your parralel parking skills, 10 being tops.

  9. #24
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    Dream vacation? Where to and what would ya do? Who would you take with ya?

    All of a sudden I became crazy generous and said "BELL! HERE'S A MILLION BUCKS! KNOCK YOURSELF OUT!!!" What would you do with it?

    What's more painful? A hangnail or stubbing your toe?

    On a scale of 1-10, rate your parralel parking skills, 10 being tops.

    I had to think about that one awhile...

    to the vacation question:
    Dream Vacation - Hawaii / extended family

    to the million bucks:
    probably just one would wear me out...
    I know a million BUCKS would kill me...
    to to mention chaffing...
    - - - oh and YOU know you KNOW what I'd do with them... LOL !!!


    p.s. I'm gald my 3 days are up
    LOL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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