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Thread: Straight guys creating/marketing Gay sites

  1. #46
    Originally posted by Squirt
    MacDaddy "What i'm confused about in this thread is, how does good and bad marketing come down to sexual orientation?"

    Here is an example: A married, white, female, hetero, 30 year old marketing executive, with 3 children, has been hired to promote Black Teen Boy porn. Do you think she might have some barriers to overcome before being successful in her endeavor?

    Don't peg me as segregating the straight and Gay people in the adult business. That is not what I'm doing or implying. My concern, as stated previously in this thread, are about the straight porn "slash and burn" marketing techniques being used in the Gay market ( i.e. glam front pages with very very little content, spamming etc )

    Because of your post I feel I have to state the following DISCLAIMER: I like straight people. I like sex with straight men. I like straight women. I like watching straight men fuck women. I have straight friends. I'm a single father raising a son will probably be straight. ok.. I think that about covers it :high:
    I'm sorry you took my comments as a personal attack, I didn't mean them that way.

    As for the hetro female marketing person, I would hope that they would hire a consultant to help with the marketing. If not, then they aren't a very good marketing executive are they?

    I just think the slash and burn marketing you talk about is a result of bad marketing people, not wether or not that person is straight or gay. I think it's the nature of the beast tho. It will happen no matter what. It happens outside the adult industry as well. Yes it happens alot in straight sites, and I agree it's happening in the gay market as well. But it won't go away anytime soon, and I don't believe it's the fault of straight people, or gay people for that matter. Just people who don't know the markets they are promoting.

  2. #47
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    MacDaddy "I'm sorry you took my comments as a personal attack, I didn't mean them that way."

    My response to your post came off harsher then I meant it to. I just want to make it clear that I'm talking about something pretty specific. There is danger in generalizing a whole sexual orientation I'm not trying to do that he he

    "I just think the slash and burn marketing you talk about is a result of bad marketing people, not wether or not that person is straight or gay."

    I've only been around online adult for about 5-6 years now. When I entered the business we all saw what the straight sites were doing and were glad it wasn't the way our market was.

    I think we need to be aware of these marketing techniques and how they impact our bottom line and surfer attitudes towards Gay sites.

    I like your site BTW MacDaddy.. very nice!

  3. #48
    Originally posted by Squirt
    I've only been around online adult for about 5-6 years now. When I entered the business we all saw what the straight sites were doing and were glad it wasn't the way our market was.
    5 or 6 years? Me too. I think in online porn that's a veteran. I totally agree with you, I do. I do think sites are going down hill fast, in any market. My thought was that it has more to do with large companies trying to do too much. Getting into too many niches etc. But maybe I'm wrong ???

    With the execption of topbucks of course, just because I love Lee and Juan.

    but you look at ARS, they did too much too fast and produced nothing but crap in the end and it killed them. And MarcDe started in the business many years ago with a simple gay site. But they tried to cover too much, and did nothing right. And their gay sites were the worst of any on the internet. Mostly because they never understood the fact that the gay market has many niches. They put up a "gay" site. but they did this for every niche they had. They produced a hairy site, but didn't understand what hairy was about. Not just hair, but a life style of natural beauty.

    Thanks BTW

  4. #49
    I must add, I think this is one of the most thought provoking threads i've been apart of in a long time.

  5. #50
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    MacDaddy "5 or 6 years? Me too."

    Sweet. Funny how you can be in the business so long and not run across someone til now. How long have you been coming to these boards? I've just started. After being in business so long and seeing where things are headed I think it's important for us to ban together and be solid both as a Gay market, and as an adult industry in general.

    When the government threatens to legislate condom use in adult videos, you know there are rocky times ahead.

  6. #51
    What's interesting is ARS just announced more niches to their line up, included is Gay and Gay Black... will they never learn?

  7. #52
    I'm A Confirmed Trisexual CuriousToyBoy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Squirt
    If you're straight and want to make money great.. let's do it! I know a couple straight guys in the industry that are top notch, know what they're selling and do good business.
    Hey Tom.

    Nice to see you around the place.


  8. #53
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by CuriousToyBoy
    Hey Tom.

    Nice to see you around the place.

    Thanks mate how you been? Long time no see. You are really working that Australian content eh! he he

  9. #54
    I'm A Confirmed Trisexual CuriousToyBoy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Squirt
    Thanks mate how you been? Long time no see. You are really working that Australian content eh! he he
    You have ICQ.

    Let's hook up - it's been altogether TOO long.


  10. #55
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
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    I just wanted to make a quick ost to say its great that we can have a debate such as this in our community and not have it turn into the pissing match that can so often happen on almost every other forum out there.

    This thread alone is proof that we really do have some fantastic level headed community members around these parts :thumbsup:



  11. #56
    I'm A Confirmed Trisexual CuriousToyBoy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Lee
    I just wanted to make a quick ost to say its great that we can have a debate such as this in our community and not have it turn into the pissing match that can so often happen on almost every other forum out there.

    This thread alone is proof that we really do have some fantastic level headed community members around these parts :thumbsup:


    You know Lee, I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing.

    Nice shop you have here mate.

    And thumbs up to the people posting here who allow it to be like it is.


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