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Thread: New to Board - Have Question

  1. #16
    Originally posted by Jason

    sorry, i know that really wasn't meant to be funny...and i know what you mean dawgy ("fag it up" just made me laugh)...reminds me of the margaret cho bit about hiring the asian consultant so they could "get chinky with it"

    hhmmm...speaking of "fag it up" here's a term for you:
    fag hag
    margaret cho would be one

    anyway, as promised, here you go:

    quick reference guide:

    Thanks a lot Jason! You've been a lot of help, and I appreciate everyone elses input.

  2. #17
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    RuthXtremePay - if you try too hard to make something recognizably gay, it will probably offend more people than it will attract. there are too many gay people and people who are friends and relatives of gay people to have common keywords.

    i once had a waiter who i liked, and wanted to let him know gently we could hang out. there was no special phrase i've ever heard - i had to mention a certain club.

    if you try to use "gay" words, you will not attract the people who are less flamboyant and don't live the lifestyle - you will alienate them. gay people - are people. a gay construction worker who lives in texas and hangs out with straight people isn't going to use the same expressions as a leather man in west hollywood nor as a supermarket employee in new york.

  3. #18
    very well put...

    I think one of the mistakes that a lot of straight companies make when try to appeal to a gay audience is go with outdated 90s cliches(gay people who wear pink triangle this and rainbow that are lauged at.. openly...)...or Queer-Eye-For-The-Straight-Guy type fashion victims. (Make no mistake, straight people like that show a lot more than gay men do, and although some gay men get a kick out of the show, there's very few who'd actually be seen in public with a flamer like that Carson twerp.)

    they do things like cover everything with rainbow flags, pink triangles, those silly lamda greek letters and those intertwined male symbols... they use phrases like "Mary" or "Girlfriend" or "Miss Thing".

    Two cases in point.

    One of those dating phone lines ran a very poorly done infomercial up here in Canada about 6-7 years ago. It was hosted by a drag queen who kept calling everyone "Mary" and would interview people who were looking for "dates" in this totally over the top gay way.. aksing them if they were top or bottom.. stuff like that.

    Recently, Phillidelphia ran a commercial in an attempt to attract gay tourists. It was vaguely clever, with it's use of two men meeting for a date in the 18th century, all decked out in powedered wigs and frilly shirts, but the whole vibe was one of weak, effeminate men reading poetry to each other.. it appealed to some women, but it turned off the gay community, and the accompanying print ads with Betsy Ross sewing a rainbow flag just looked silly and out of date... and further bugged anyone who knew that the rainbow flag was developed in the 70 in SF.

    I guess what we all seem to be saying is that just making it a gay place should be enough.

    Take a look at and see.. very little gay imagry... it's just well designed and classy.

    And please.. no pink.

  4. #19
    wow, all the nice ICQ messages telling me how much of an asshole i am

    excuse me for expressing my opinion about straight companies trying to make things gay.

    ruth is awesome & so is xtremepay, i have nothing against them & i know theyll build a kickass message board.

    i was merely expressing my thoughts, as a gay guy who has the pleasure of working for a large straight company every day.

    im gonna turn off icq now, bitches.

  5. #20
    Dawgy.. I don't think you're an asshole at all.

    and you had taken the words right out of my mouth.

    you wanna put something back in there?

  6. #21
    Originally posted by Dawgy
    wow, all the nice ICQ messages telling me how much of an asshole i am

    excuse me for expressing my opinion about straight companies trying to make things gay.

    ruth is awesome & so is xtremepay, i have nothing against them & i know theyll build a kickass message board.

    i was merely expressing my thoughts, as a gay guy who has the pleasure of working for a large straight company every day.

    im gonna turn off icq now, bitches.
    Dawgy, you're not an asshole, you're just opinionated.. :wacko: ---

    LOL.. ALL comments have been greatly appreciated, and being honest is DEFINITELY welcome. Sometimes we CAN go over the top TRYING to make something appear to be something, and our company definitely doesn't want to do that with this, that's one of the big reasons I came here when I was directed here.

    You guys are great for me, cos you're IN this part of the industry and so you KNOW what will appeal and what won't and when we can try too hard. I DON'T know this and therefore for someone to tell me is them being helpful... it's not like you were a dick about it or anything, just blunt.

    Anyways, if folks are harrassing you on ICQ on my behalf, pls accept my apologies, I'm not offended in any way myself.

    Thanks again folks, you GWW guys are AWESOME! :love:

  7. #22
    Why don't you name the webboard "Flamin' Faggots Forum"?

    I'm sure everyone will love that!

    And be sure to use lots of rainbows and make the background bright pink!

  8. #23
    Originally posted by Xstr8guy
    Why don't you name the webboard "Flamin' Faggots Forum"?

    I'm sure everyone will love that!

    And be sure to use lots of rainbows and make the background bright pink!
    Xstr8guy - you stole my Idea


  9. #24
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Xstr8guy
    Why don't you name the webboard "Flamin' Faggots Forum"?

    I'm sure everyone will love that!

    And be sure to use lots of rainbows and make the background bright pink!
    I second that.

    Ruth, everyone knows we like lavender, pink and rainbows, lots of rainbows.

    I'll let you in on a secret. Our love of rainbows stems from The Wizard of Oz and our love for that movie and Judy Garland ;-D

    Man I could barely type that without feeling sick to my stomach
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

    ~ In Production ~

  10. #25
    Ruth.. if all else fails post a nude picture of Hugh Jackman and it'll make Jasun happy and he'll give you every insiders secret he has.. :howl:

    Seriously though kudos to Xtremepay for wanting to do things right. I'm happy that those of us that run predominantly "straight" sites can come to a board like this and receive feedback as to what we are doing right or wrong.

    Oh and Ruth, if the Hugh Jackman fails just send Jasun a case of Jaeger and repeatedly message him and tell him you really do have a penis... should work like a charm.

  11. #26
    Hey girl.. I'm promoting your gay site... so it did work..

    but back to Ruth..

    All kidding aside, I don't know if we can tell you what you SHOULD do, but we've all come up with things that you SHOULDN'T.

    Hope we've at least been of some help.

    And Squirt had a good idea when he said to check out those sites...

  12. #27
    As I said, you guys have been awesome and I appreciate all input from everyone.

    Again, to repeat, our goal is to integrate and 'fit' into the gay side of this industry, we do not seek to alienate anyone or 'stereotype' anyone.

    Thanks for the valuable honest opinions, you guys rock!

  13. #28
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
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    Seems like everyone has already given you all the good answers, so I'll just say WELCOME and enjoy your stay.
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

    Stunner Media Presents 8 great programs:
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  14. #29
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Some great feedback in this thread for sure :thumbsup:



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