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Thread: Some Webmasters Are Just Plain Crazy ...

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    WTF? Some Webmasters Are Just Plain Crazy ...

    Just been having an ICQ conversation with someone about the gay market and how they can get additional quality gay traffic to their sites amongst other things.

    I suggested they come across here and post so everyone in our community can help...

    This person said they wouldnt post because they are not gay and didnt want their friends to think they were.. WTF is that all about?



  2. #2
    Lee, just tell them to fuck off and then post your ICQ log of the conversation here so that we can all have a good laugh at their stupid mentalities....


  3. #3
    they'll happily take our money, but won't be seen in public with us. the distaste with which people will do business with the gay community is abhorant. That attitude is really not as rare as we'd like to think. Still a pissoff, though.

  4. #4
    Chris Alan
    As for my own experience as a straight man working in the Gay Market, I am often perceived as a gay man. When I started to work with my brother Gary and Lee I knew what market they were in and I had no problem with it at all.

    However, when I do go the shows (which I now have three under my belt) I am perceived to be gay since I work in the gay market. I can’t tell you how many times I’m asked if I was gay at each of the shows. Sometimes I get a disappointed look that I’m not or the conversation just stops.

    I’m very comfortable with my own sexuality now, and have no problems being seen in public with gay men. Maybe years ago I would have had a problem but times are different today.

    In defense of this Webmaster Lee is alluding to I can understand his concerns of being “BRANDED”. Because, I'm sure others in this industry that do not know me personally or just know of me have me branded as gay.

    My $0.02

  5. #5
    I totally see your point, and I know that sometimes you've gotta keep up the public image, wether you like it or not.

    I do, however, remember back in the 80s when beer companies would refuse to do any advertising or sponsorship on Gay Pride Day here in Toronto, because they were too worried about their image in the straight world... we'd always have to go with a small microbrewery that would be incapable of handling the large number of people.

    fianlly, one year Molson came along, but refused to put their logo on anything. There was lots of beer, but no "Molson Canadian" logo anywhere to be seen. They made a fortune that year, and the next year, everybody from Molson to Labatt to Coors (!) to Coke and Pepsi wanted in on the action. It's now become so commercial, that there's no real room for the gay community, and Pride's had to tone itself down to please the corporate sponsors.

    I'm expecting lots of drag queens doing Janet Jackson showing off boobs on floats this year.

    I think we in the gay world get kind of tired of people acting like knowing us is a liability.

  6. #6
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    well as far as i'm concerned this person can just beat it.
    i wouldn't even link or list his sites if i knew who he was

  7. #7
    Chris Alan
    Originally posted by jIgG
    well as far as i'm concerned this person can just beat it.
    i wouldn't even link or list his sites if i knew who he was
    Is this because he is straight trying to promote gay sites or because he refuses to post on a gay market forum in fear of being branded?

  8. #8
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Originally posted by jIgG
    well as far as i'm concerned this person can just beat it.
    i wouldn't even link or list his sites if i knew who he was
    Hence why i never mentioned the guys name

    Personally whilst i find it more than annoying that individuals wont post on a gay marketing forum for fear of being themselves branded gay, i find it more annoying that other webmasters would actually brand someone as gay because they DID post on a forum.



  9. #9
    Chris Alan
    Originally posted by Lee
    i find it more annoying that other webmasters would actually brand someone as gay because they DID post on a forum.


    Lee, I agree with you 100%. Even though I know I'm branded, personally I don't care what others think.

    It's funny, Lee if you post on a straight board would webmasters brand you as straight? NO. There is still way to much homophobia in todays world. Do I have the answers? NO.

    But hopefully by me being here as a straight male and working in the Gay Market can prove that hetero-webmasters and gay-webmasters can work together for a common cause. For some that may sound far fetched but in life we need to set goals for ourselves. Together we can move mountains.

    Hugs to all my Gay Friends,


  10. #10
    Have an idea and make it come to life! Gary-Alan's Avatar
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    Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
    Originally posted by Chris Alan
    But hopefully by me being here as a straight male and working in the Gay Market can prove that hetero-webmasters and gay-webmasters can work together for a common cause. For some that may sound far fetched but in life we need to set goals for ourselves. Together we can move mountains.
    From your mouth to the creators ears... (or in this case, your fingers to his/her eyes)? LOL

    Actually it was one of the many reasons this site went live. I've run a gauntlet of webmasters, and comments about being branded, about the original site being "too gay" and even being told I was really a straight man pretending to be gay just to work the profit margins of the gay market (that stopped when I offered that guy head and meant it LMAO).

    And while I have run that gauntlet I have met a lot of great people who do not care about sexual orientation, the idea of being branded or what others will think. They look at this as a business and will do what is necessary for everyone to succeed.

    Unfortunately, on the flip side of this whole discussion, I know many straight webmasters, and business people, who have been discriminated against because they were straight (Chris your not the only one who has had a back turned on them, unfortunately). And many of THOSE webmaster are members of GWW, now - thankfully they don't see this as a gay owned and ONLY site, but a place where everyone can come together, talk business and have a fun time too. Which is the way I always planned it to be.

    As a good friend said to me this afternoon, I've been in the business so long "I've seen them come and go and maybe come again". This has been the one my personal goals since the beginning - work with those who want to work with me in an atmosphere that comfortable for everyone. And I've made a lot of good business contacts, friends and money doing just that.

    My best,

  11. #11
    Wow.. I can't believe he said that.

    We are all adult webmasters.. let's get some biz done and make some $$$ - Gay, Straight or Niche specific we can all get biz done and increase all our bottom lines!:groovy:

  12. #12
    ok guess i'll chime in on this one too.

    i wonder if this webmaster ever thinks about what it's like to be gay...unless you're really flaming...and everybody assumes you're straight. letting you in on their "jokes" and shit like that. the flip side of that coin is this latest "metrosexual" fad. i know several men who actually are straight, but have many qualities that are often stereotyped to gay men. so they are assumed to be gay.

    it's hard when people make assumptions and judgements on such little information, but it's part of life and it happens to all of us. nobody is immune to prejudice and there will always be groups of people who put you into boxes. i'm certainly not saying it's right, just a fact of life that one needs to learn to live with if he expects to acheive any level of social success. not business success, but success as a human being trying to share the planet with billions of others.

    sounds to me like this guy's problem isn't that he doesn't tolerate homosexuality...but that he's insecure in his own personality. how sad it is to have to live life that afraid of what other people might think of you...and we all know what that's like...i don't think there's anyone here who wasn't in the closet at some point.

  13. #13
    Honestly, the more I think about it, I'm less and less bugged at the guy. Really, many of us know from personal experience the way gay people are perceived, and in the adult industry, there are probably lots of straight people who don't want to do business with gay people.

    I'm thinking that this has less to do with not wanting others to think he's gay for personal reasons so much as professional reasons. I don't know... Lee probably you know more about it, but I know that in my last job managing a store in a suburban mega-mall, once my co-workers found out I was gay, they all treated me quite differently. The men abruptly stopped asking me out for beer and pool, the women started looking at me differently and the over-all working experience was spoiled pretty fast.

    He may have been more worried about that than with the "I don't want them to think I'm a homo" thing.

    Which, of course, speaks more about modern North American society than one individual.

  14. #14
    Not gay but I play it on TV LAJ's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    When are people going to realize that this is a BUSINESS ...

    I'm into MILF but yet I associate all the time with people who push teen, twink, DILF and everything else under the sun...

  15. #15
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Originally posted by LAJ
    When are people going to realize that this is a BUSINESS ...

    I'm into MILF but yet I associate all the time with people who push teen, twink, DILF and everything else under the sun...
    Speaking of which.....

    I hear you are now officially a DILF

    Congrats on the newborn bro



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