Quote Originally Posted by basschick
go to the main page and at the bottom there is a link that says "webmasters".

dalimili - do you think the text on that tour would sell the average surfer looking for thugs from the ghetto? btw, regarding gallery traffic - i average 1 sale for every 5000 hits to a gallery. you can very easily get 4 - 6 sales per day to a gay site posting galleries if you know your stuff.

I have to say I'm never looking (paying attention) to text on site, unless it is extremly visible, so for me text is somewhat useless, unless it screams into my face.. so I really don't know how much text helps.

I only know that I'm missing more models on that tour... that would also help

As to tgp traffic... like I said, if you know how to do it, it can be extremly helpfull and bring lots of sales, but sometimes I'm just amazaed at some people who create "uniform or army" galleries and try to sell you Twink site or Celebrity site...