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Thread: Win A Cock Ring In This Thread

  1. #136
    Thanks! I'll wear it with pride.

  2. #137
    Originally posted by robin
    So, all this talk about cock rings and going to Gear Essentials to find things to post about in this thread got me to thinking... I should join their affiliate program. It doesn't interfere with the other merch that I recommend at my site and it's such a nice individual product... Long story short -- I signed up as an affiliate yesterday or early this morning.
    I was really stoked when I read that. Especially the part about recognizing that it's an individual product affiliate program that doesn't interfere with other merchandise.

    That's really a main point we're making with the GearEssentials affiliate program. It is a limited, precise and particular product offering. We're not asking people to abandon their shopping mall affiliate programs that sell sex toys and clothes and videos and all manner of whatever else to go with GearEssentials instead.

    Rather, we're really looking to push it as a complementary sponsor to go along with your others, rather than instead of your others.

    That's the big reason behind why we made sure to give webmasters the 20% initial and 10% life commission. So that when you refer a surfer who's GE account is tagged with your affiliate ID, so long as you continue to actively promote GE (have a live, accessible banner or link somewhere on your site) you can earn commission off that that person indefinitely.

    Because, as Mike will tell you, another big thing sought with GE is long term, return customers. People who keep coming back. Who fall in love with their first GE cockring and come back for another down the line - a different model or finish, for example - or who buy one as a gift, or for their boyfriend, or whatever. That you can send GE a surfer and never see that surfer again for 2 years but still get a commission if they buy a cockring down the line - 10% if they've already bought one prior, 20% if it's their first purchase.

    We think it's a great way to capitalize on surfers who've yet to see GE's impressive products and been exposed to every manner of every other affiliate program out there. Something fresh and new to make money off of people on a sale they might not have been candidates for otherwise.

  3. #138
    Originally posted by Xstr8guy
    Thanks! I'll wear it with pride.
    dude... your avatar... hahaha i love it. that's one funky ass lookin dog! and cute as heck.

  4. #139
    That's my baby boy, Petie! He is yawning and stretching after taking a nap in a sunbeam.

  5. #140
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    I was really stoked when I read that...
    Hiya BDBionic, well basically everything you just said rang true for me and so it was all systems go...Refreshing actually.

    I showed my new website to my partner last night and one of the 1st links he clicked on was the Gear Essentials link. (he hasn't seen the links at yet.)

    Anyway, he was really impressed with GE. He'll be talking them up all weekend at the various party's we're going to. (Including his birthday bash.)

    It occured to me while he was browsing through the GE site that I'm going to have to do a measuring sometime soon as I believe we've found something that he wouldn't mind wearing...

  6. #141
    Robin, thanks for the support. We are glad to have you as an affiliate. I hope your partner had a great birthday.

    Brian is right our rings do not take away from your other sponsers. In addition our rings truly standout from the others. In addition our packaging make them ideal gifts.

  7. #142
    Hi Mike thanks -- got your PM too thanks.

    Yes, the birthday went quite well it was his 60th -- so we did it up big and went to the Oak Bay Marina with a bunch of friends and family.

    This week I'm running some PPC ads to my dating tips site -- specifically to the sex toys page which is pretty new to the site so I need some extra traffic there before the search engines start kicking in. So, it'll be interesting for me to see how and where the traffic goes to once they've landed there. Mmmm that reminds me I've got to make a listing on my gay gear page this week.

  8. #143

    the gearessentials t!

  9. #144
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Okay its official i want a GE t-shirt!



  10. #145
    Looks like I'm gonna need some muscles to fill out my shirt!

    Btw, where are the "working stiff" jock straps?

  11. #146
    So Lee how about a picture? Everyone wants to see the hardware.

  12. #147

    Here's the regular T. for those who don't like to show muscle.

  13. #148
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    West Hollywood, Ca
    who's the model? anyone we know? :specs:
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

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  14. #149
    It's not me. He's someone our photographer in Palm Springs hired for some pictures. What do you think?

  15. #150
    I'd like to work his stiff. :devil:

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