On Saturday Curious Tim, Curious ToyBoy, Curious Jesse and the rest of the CuriousCash Team boarded a plane at the Brisbane airport and headed for Outback Australia. We landed on a dusty airstrip in a small country town called Dalby, from the plane we boarded a luxury coach which took us to the country homestead, Jimbour House. At the homestead they had an enormous amphitheatre set up for a massive concert called “A Day On The Green” and no we didn’t just go and smoke some grass. They had and amazing line up of bands including Kasey Chambers, Pete Murry, Joe Cocker, John Fogerty, Tony Joe White, Mia Dyson, Tim Rodgers and many more, plus the 3 thousand or so screaming fans. It wasn’t long before the Bourbons were flowing and the amazing red sun was setting on the horizon. It was definitely a good way to celebrate Curious Tim’s ? Birthday. Keep an eye out for the pics of all the action at www.CuriousCash.com