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Thread: Free Gay Porn - Enough Is Enough Or Is It?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Heres A Thought Free Gay Porn - Enough Is Enough Or Is It?

    Havent posted an article in a while so figured i would post this one that i just finished up a few minutes ago

    Free Gay Porn - Enough Is Enough Or Is It?

    For as far back as I can remember there has always been free gay porn available on the internet whether this comes from webmasters giving away to many free sample pic's for their sponsors or, the sponsors flooding the web and newsgroups with branded images one thing is for sure, unless we as an industry start to cut down (or start using it more effectively) the amount of free porn being offered to surfers making money in the adult industry is going to become harder and harder.

    Free Gay Porn - Finding A Balance.

    Regardless of the amount of free porn available on the web presently there is room to give our surfers more however, we all need to be conscious of not only how we give out this free content but also the quantity of free porn we give away with each site we build. That being said lets take a look at some of the ways in which even though we are still giving away free adult images to our surfers we can make the amount of free porn start to work for us long term.

    TGP Posting And Gay Porn.

    The main cause of all of the 'free porn' on the web for the most part has been the TGP (Thumbnail Gallery Post) many of these traffic sources are asking for exuberant amounts of images to be used on the galleries that we submit for instance, on a TGP that has a 10 pic minimum, if we submit 1 gallery a day for an entire year that would amount to another 3650 free gay porn images hitting the web now, take into account that there are literally thousands upon thousands of webmasters submitting to TGP's on a daily basis this should give you some idea of the extent of the free images surfers can find without having to pay for gay site access which, in turn, eats into our potential profits.

    Putting Free Pics To Use.

    For many of us, there is simply no getting away from the fact that we have to post to TGP's in order to get traffic so with that said, lets take a look at how we utilize this content to benefit us even after it has been posted on the TGP's weeks prior. For a start, we should all have one thing to make this process even easier, a short memorable domain name. Bear in mind that this domain name doesn't have to be of type in value instead go for a length of less than 15 characters and try to use one or two words in the domain at the most. Once we have this domain name you should place an index page on the root with a selection of links going to your sponsors and other free sites.

    Now that you have this basic site setup you need to start getting yourself accustomed to watermarking EVERY image you use with that domain name, so whether you are building a TGP gallery, a free site or, an AEN site any content you use will always contain a url to your 15 character domain name.

    Watermarking Content.

    Now that we are using watermarked content with our own URLs on them we need to ensure we continue to use this method when it comes to building a site or categorizing our content once we first buy it, it is often time consuming to watermark content when we actually need to use it so instead, chose to watermark this content the very second you get a CD or a download from your content provider, there are numerous package available that can help you do this quickly such as Adobe Photoshop if you already have it or Paint Shop Pro. The main thing is that every time we get new content we need to get into the practice of watermarking our url on the content as soon as we can.

    Free Porn Watermarks.

    Now that you have hopefully understood the reasoning behind why we do not necessarily need to cut down the amount of free content on the web but perhaps start using it more effectively as part of our overall marketing plan whenever we decide to give some pics away to the surfer, you should think about how many images you have given away in the last week and think how many of those images had you watermarked them with a url could have gained you some additional traffic?

    Article written by Lee.


  2. #2
    Good article, thanks for posting it.

    The way I see it, the problem is two-fold: you've got a great deal of people out there who will probably never pay for porn and don't believe they should have to, and second, this business seems to be particularly more cut-throat and scummy than others.

    I here from so many people that they'll never pay for porn and don't believe they should have to, so I really have to wonder about the effectiveness of TGP's. Yes, they bring a lot of traffic to a site, and maybe to your sponsors, but is it buying kind of traffic? So are we all just trading traffic back and forth that has little hope of making us any money. What percentage of TGP traffic will actually buy something? Are we all trading thousands of visitors back and forth for the 10% who might buy?

    And my second point is that while Lee's suggestion that we should try and limit the number of free images were all giving away is a good one, there will always be webmasters who will see dollar signs and break with the ranks. So, if we all agree that we'll only submit 12 images to a TGP gallery, some webmaster will come along and start submitting 15 or 20 just to get people's interest with the sheer volume of pictures. Eventually other webmasters will get nervous that they're losing out and follow suit, and before you know it, we're back where we started.

    I think the biggest problem is that community standards on the Internet have made it acceptable to show cock, tits, and butt holes right out in the open. And with that, came free samples. I think if laws were universal and required all explicit images to be behind members areas, then we'd see the end of "free" porn and an increase in our revenues. But they have to be the same everywhere, otherwise you'll just get porn companies setting up servers in Thailand, or the Congo, or some place.


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