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Thread: I'm sad and mad big error

  1. #1
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Sad I'm sad and mad big error

    Myvirtualcard is so confusing

    my membership is 19.95$ and it seem that i was giving my affiliate 30$ instead of 10$ bucks

    this is what myvirtualcard said

    Upon looking at the setup you made for your affliate plan , we notice that you put this following

    Initial Sale : 19.96

    Fixed Rate on initial sale 19.95
    Percentage Rate on initial sale 50%

    So it means that for every 19.96 sales you make on your site , you are giving out 19.95 plus 50% of 19.96 .

    At the moment , I set the fixed rate as nothing and just left the percentage rate.

    i'm gonna cry this really sucks i hope my affiliate will be nice enough to understand that error's like this happen and will send me the money that i gave them too much of course this would never happen .. but i guess will so who has a heart and who don't

    dam this sucks bad bad bad

    grrrr i tought i was doing good with my site till i look at my pay it seem so low..

  2. #2
    I am sorry to read about the error, Pierre. I know there are some good honest web masters out there whom will not have any issues with returning the money.

    I view this the same way I would a clerk whom accidentally gave out too much change... good honest folk give it back.

  3. #3
    I think you might get 40-60% back and have the other webmasters drop your program

  4. #4
    Ewww I think I miss read that, if you already sent them the money you might get 10-30% back

  5. #5
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    western canada
    Quote Originally Posted by pierrefitch
    Myvirtualcard is so confusing

    my membership is 19.95$ and it seem that i was giving my affiliate 30$ instead of 10$ bucks

    this is what myvirtualcard said

    Upon looking at the setup you made for your affliate plan , we notice that you put this following

    Initial Sale : 19.96

    Fixed Rate on initial sale 19.95
    Percentage Rate on initial sale 50%

    So it means that for every 19.96 sales you make on your site , you are giving out 19.95 plus 50% of 19.96 .

    At the moment , I set the fixed rate as nothing and just left the percentage rate.

    i'm gonna cry this really sucks i hope my affiliate will be nice enough to understand that error's like this happen and will send me the money that i gave them too much of course this would never happen .. but i guess will so who has a heart and who don't

    dam this sucks bad bad bad

    grrrr i tought i was doing good with my site till i look at my pay it seem so low..

    So let me see if I have this right, when you set up the affiliate info with myvirtualcard you had two options... fixed and percent.. filled in both and so myvirtualcard paid out both? that doesn't sound kosher. the options should be one of the two and when filling out one should blank out the other... i'd holler a bit at them for that... sounds to me like they made a programming error in their form... i'd at least expect them to provide help in returning the money or arranging with the affiliates a way to deduct the over payment from future sales... so at least you get the overpayment back...

    my 2 cents
    Webmasters: Add Custom Stories To Your Sites Custom Gay Stories

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  6. #6
    personally I would not even ask for the money back you are going to lose affiliates, I would just learn for the mistake and move on.

  7. #7
    I don't think it is a doomsday scenario Pierre. I'll hit you on ICQ and help you compose a letter for your affilaites. The myvirtualcard interface isn't the easiest to comprehend. As a matter of fact, I think its backasswards.

    I imagine all 11 of your affiliates will be more than understanding and you will endear yourselves to them. People understand that mistakes happen. You aren't in a position to eat the mistake. Its a bit of live and learn, but when all is said and done you should be OK.

    Buck up little camper. I'll icq you shortly.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by JustBryce
    I don't think it is a doomsday scenario Pierre. I'll hit you on ICQ and help you compose a letter for your affilaites. The myvirtualcard interface isn't the easiest to comprehend. As a matter of fact, I think its backasswards.
    Buck up little camper. I'll icq you shortly.
    WOW.. :thumbsup: Bryce - that is very honorable.

    Let's all give the noble JB :kiss: (kisses)

  9. #9
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Thank you so much JustBryce this is very nice of you :devious:

  10. #10

    I've sent you two sales, and I'll be happy to send you whatever the overpayed amount is. In fact.... I don't really understand the myvirtualcard affiliate interface very well either.

    That is very typical.... the interfaces we use for these processors and affiliate systems are written by programmers, and what you read on the screen is only the briefest, nearly impenetrable syntax.


  11. #11
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    thanks desslock

  12. #12
    Fatal Attractio
    You might be pleasantly surprised, I know when I was overpaid $1000 with a paypal payout I sent it back right away. I even received a call from a friend with that company that was in accounting asking me why I sent them $1000. There are still honest webmasters out there. Good luck! I hope you get it all back and everyone understands.

  13. #13
    Man, that sucks. How much did you lose on that one?

  14. #14
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I lost enough hehe

  15. #15
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    At least you learnt a little more about the system although, yeah it does suck

    Hopefully your affiliates wont mind as it was a genuine error



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