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Thread: DMCA Notice Service - Would You Use It?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    I Wonder? DMCA Notice Service - Would You Use It?

    I have a programmer working on putting together an automated DMCA notice service right now and was wondering how many of you folks that had your own exclusive content would actually use such a service?

    In essence, what it is is a site where you enter a URL (the URL where your content is posted illegally) an email address for the hosting provider of where your content is used and your 'reply' address is listed automatically through your account, you then hit a submit button and a DMCA notice is generated and emailed to the hosting company of the site where your content is being used illegally.

    In addition, it also tracks the DMCA requests sent on a per account basis allowing you to easily keep track of who has/hasnt removed your content and over time, it builds a listing of sites using illegally obtained content that will be available for anyone to check to see if their content is also on the site/sites that have been sent DMCA notices by other users of this service.

    At the present time im looking at offering this as a 100% free service however, over the course of the first 12 months there are going to be some premium features added that will require a monthly membership to use (probably around $10-$15 a month via CCBill/ECSuite).

    Is this something that those of you with exclusive content could see yourselves using if it saved you time/energy keeping track of sites using illegal content?

    Im thinking of putting this service on the domain that we own.



  2. #2
    How long have you been gay? Three hundred and sixty-five had come and went
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    Nov 2006
    If I would own exclusive content I certainly would use such a program. Not so much for the sake of saving time and/or energy, but I like the idea of building up a database of sites/site owners with stolen content.

    It certainly wouldn't stop people from stealing content, but it would definitely make their lifes (and survival) a lot harder. And hopefully lead to more sales/income for honest and hard working webmasters/producers/models.

    However, as long as there are webmasters/sponsors out there who are willing to work with content thieves, as long as it is not their own content that's being stolen, it might be a hard goal to achieve.

  3. #3
    I've always been openly gay. It would never occur to me to behave otherwise. maxx68's Avatar
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    It sounds really good.

    My problem is how-in-the-hell can a webmaster check every site to see if they are using stolen content? That part of the business seems quite daunting.

    It's too bad there wasn't a way to "tag" your content so that you could keep track of where it is. Kinda like a tracking becon or some such thing...I don't know maybe I'm nuts, oh wait...I AM!! Haaaa Haa Haaaaa...:crazy:

  4. #4
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxx68 View Post
    It sounds really good.

    It's too bad there wasn't a way to "tag" your content so that you could keep track of where it is. Kinda like a tracking becon or some such thing...I don't know maybe I'm nuts, oh wait...I AM!! Haaaa Haa Haaaaa...:crazy:
    There is. It's the Digimark Digital Watermark service. Developed originally for stills, but they have something for video now as well. You have your own individual Digimarc ID which is invisibly embedded into your content, and you can sign up for their spidering service that looks for your watermark and sends you a report. (Of course, it won't find content in a protected members area, but just about everywhere else.)

    They have a free marking service for adult companies that alllows you to identify your content as adult so that adult-filtered browsers will detect the watermark and not display the image.

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