
I'm just an affiliate and the webmaster of four free-hosted blogs. Not an industry leader, nor expert of any kind. This post is simply meant as a 'Heads Up' to inform you of a potential problem.
If you are like me, money is tight, and you make use of free services whenever possible. In doing so, you could be setting yourself up for trouble:

If you use Outlook, Microsoft Hotmail, Microsoft SkyDrive, Windows Live Messenger, Microsoft Mail Desktop, Windows Live Writer, Bing, or Windows Live Mail this message pertains to you:
Using any of these services to post or upload legal nude photos, adult videos, or pornography of any kind can result in your loss of the ability to use any of them.

(This post is based upon my own, personal, experience. I am not an employee of, nor representative of, Microsoft or any of it's products or services).

According to Windows Code Of Conduct:
*"You will not upload, post, transmit, transfer, distribute or facilitate distribution of any content (including text, images, sound, video, data, information or software) or otherwise use the service in a way that:
depicts nudity of any sort including full or partial human nudity or nudity in non-human forms such as cartoons, fantasy art or manga.
incites, advocates, or expresses pornography, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity, hatred, bigotry, racism, or gratuitous violence.
provides or creates links to external sites that violate this Code of Conduct. "*

**"This agreement applies to Microsoft Hotmail, Microsoft SkyDrive, Microsoft account, Windows Live Messenger, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Movie Maker, Microsoft Mail Desktop, Windows Live Writer (the foregoing are collectively referred to as the "Microsoft branded services"), Bing, MSN, Office.com, and any other software, website, or service that links to this agreement (collectively the "services"). " **{also pertains to Windows Live Mail}.
With Microsoft's latest update for Outlook, you are required to sign in to most, if not all of the aforementioned services using your Microsoft Account information. Violation of any of their terms can result in closure of your account. You then lose the ability to any service which requires a Microsoft Account Log-In.
You will receive no warning. When you attempt to log-in to your Microsoft Account, you will be directed to Contact Support. Upon contacting them, whether you ask why your account was closed, or try to explain, you will find this message in your mailbox:
We have reviewed your account and determined that it was closed due to a terms of use violation. We are not able to discuss the specific details on your account closure.
To read our Terms of Use, please visit:
For information about our Code of Conduct, please visit:
Online Safety Team"***
No explanation will be given, no excuses will be accepted, not even if someone else used your services, not even if your e-mail was hacked. Their only answer will be to direct you back to their Service Agreement and their Code of Conduct.
I found all of this out after someone hacked one of my free Live[dot]com e-mail addresses and sent out spam. This drew Microsoft's attention to my accounts. They saw I had been using Live Mail and Windows Live Writer to post legal porn to my blogs. My accounts were then closed.
*Quoted from Microsoft's Publicly Posted Code Of Conduct,
**Quoted from Microsoft's publicly posted Service Agreement,
***Copy of e-mail I received from Microsoft (Team member's name removed).

Just thought you should know,
David (Bi4life).