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Thread: aaahhhh what have i done?!

  1. #1

    aaahhhh what have i done?!

    to my neck

    the right back side of my neck & into my right shoulder is killing me. i cant turn my head right, up or down, and i can barely move it left. its tight, hurts like hell, and is even a bit swolen feeling. i havent done anything except sleep & work, and im not straining myself any more than usual.

    i want a massage but im afraid it would hurt too much and id cry like the little schoolboy i wish i was.

  2. #2
    I used to have that almost everyday before I started Working/exercising my as off more.

    Now it only comes when I sit at the puter too long.

    If it feels inflamed, then you should ice it...that'll help some.

    You could get a message, just ask who ever gives it to you to do it it lose, but NOT try to rub it out at first....

  3. #3
    It might be a pinched nerve. It will go away in about 1 day, only thing is you will sore for a few more days. It happened to me cause I worked out tho.

  4. #4
    Camper than a row of tents
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    This happens to me if I sleep with a fan blowing cool air directly onto my neck. Symptoms mimic whiplash, and last for days.

  5. #5
    Man, I feel your pain! :cry:

    I used to have that all of the time. I solved my problem by switching from big fat foam pillows to flatter feather pillows. It was quite hard to make the adjustment, but now I almost never have neck pain, especially in the morning.

  6. #6
    You might need to see a Chiropractor. I love mine. He's cute and gay too. Not quite as cool as my doctor, who's not only sexy as hell, gay and hunky, but he's into leather too. Hee hee.

  7. #7
    Just because. LavenderLounge's Avatar
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    San Francisco/ Oakland
    I had the same problem and couldn't get rid of it for 6 months.

    Turns out it was a bad office chair.

    I never believed it, but Carpal Tunnel is serious. Read up on ergonomics and look at how your desk is set up.

    Make sure you mousing arm has support and watch your posture. Don't slouch!
    Mark Kliem -megasite - gay porn news - affiliate program

  8. #8
    try some stretching...

    hope it wasn't a spider bite or insect bite...

    is there anything here that might help you feel better ??


  9. #9
    happens to me all the time. I either over-work my shoulders or a sleep on it funny or I lifted something a little to heavy or even something light with the wrong posture.

    Here's what you do...

    start with shoulder rolls... while making front-to-back circles, try to keep them as far from your neck as you can, concentrating on keeping the muscles as relaxed as you can... it'll hurt... don't worry. oh, and hold your head as high as you can while doing it without straining.

    Next, neck rolls... do these VERY slow. go in one direction, and then the other, concentrating on completely relaxing your neck and back and shoulder muscles while you roll your head around. Try not to pull or tense any muscle... if you notice that it hurts in one place more than ohters, hang there and make an effort to totally let go in that muscle.. it's hard to isolate one muscle in your neck, so it takes time... you might wanna add a small shoulder roll to this, as well.

    do these exercises at least one an hour, even under a hot shower spray. The pain and stiffness should go away in a day or two. To keep it from coming back, do them every morning for about 2 minues. It'll also make your neck look a bit longer and stronger, which makes the boys wet.

  10. #10
    old age, Dale. old age. 8)

  11. #11
    hmmm... want to come over & show me this in person? got a big shower.... :angel:

    Originally posted by Jasun
    happens to me all the time. I either over-work my shoulders or a sleep on it funny or I lifted something a little to heavy or even something light with the wrong posture.

    Here's what you do...

    start with shoulder rolls... while making front-to-back circles, try to keep them as far from your neck as you can, concentrating on keeping the muscles as relaxed as you can... it'll hurt... don't worry. oh, and hold your head as high as you can while doing it without straining.

    Next, neck rolls... do these VERY slow. go in one direction, and then the other, concentrating on completely relaxing your neck and back and shoulder muscles while you roll your head around. Try not to pull or tense any muscle... if you notice that it hurts in one place more than ohters, hang there and make an effort to totally let go in that muscle.. it's hard to isolate one muscle in your neck, so it takes time... you might wanna add a small shoulder roll to this, as well.

    do these exercises at least one an hour, even under a hot shower spray. The pain and stiffness should go away in a day or two. To keep it from coming back, do them every morning for about 2 minues. It'll also make your neck look a bit longer and stronger, which makes the boys wet.

  12. #12
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Dale ive told you before..

    Stop trying out those weird sexual positions on yourself



  13. #13
    Originally posted by Lee
    Dale ive told you before..

    Stop trying out those weird sexual positions on yourself


    but.... but.... i know i can suck it... i know... i can...

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Dawgy
    but.... but.... i know i can suck it... i know... i can...

    figures... perrrrrfect pic posting op
    and the lords-o-gww have changed the pic posting rules...LOL
    (but I totally understand the need to do that...)


    hey - did you see my question here:


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