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Thread: Truth in Advertising

  1. #1
    Ah, 80 Hour Work Weeks, The American Dream! tombarr's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Who Knows anymore?

    Truth in Advertising

    How does truth in Advertising affect the adult business as a whole?

    I ran into a site the other day, don't know if i can mention the name here. they claim to have things in their tour area they don't have. not even close.

    the tour is nothing but a gay ethnic front end for a generic gay members area.

    i bought the tour to compare it to our gay asian paysite, only to find out that their "gigabytes of exclusive pics" is only 1200 pics they bought from two content providers, and over half of it, i shot and licensed....

    i then asked the billing company for a refund only to be told that the billing company could not approve a refund of the tour as the site does not refund "trials".....they told me to write to the company .... i called them. they said "sorry you did not find what you were looking for" blah blah.... but initially would not give me a refund.

    I then wrote them a lengthy letter detailing the 12 or more items that they have specifically lied about in their tour area, that are not true of the members area..... and got the refund..

    but the point is not about the refund, as much as it is about the deliberate misleading tour, the misrepresented members area with promises made to simply make a sale, regardless of whether the sales pitch is true or not...

    IMO these type of sites poison the pool for those of us that run true sales tours that match our members area. Surfers lose trust when they get burned like this......and they quit buying memberships...

    doesn't truth in advertising apply to paysite tours?

  2. #2
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    no refund on trials? BS - hit your credit card company, but that takes a while. YOu keep all emails print them and send them off too. They're saying that to keep their CB ratios down most likely

    Im curious who the site is

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Originally posted by jIgG
    Im curious who the site is
    Me to.

    I would also be interested in finding out if anyone has successfully taken legal action against an adult site for 'false advertising' seems to me there are THOUSANDS of potential companies who could be targetted!



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