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Thread: GWW Members - Spend Mah Money

  1. #1

    WTF? GWW Members - Spend Mah Money

    Greetings All:

    Well, I'm on another spending spree again. I figure, instead of hunting people down, why not offer first dibs to my GWW Family of which I am proud to be the bastard stepchild.


    Here's what I'm looking for guys and gals. If you think you can handle any of the below, let me know and provide any relevant links to portfolios, etc. Also, I'd like quotes where possible (it's fine to send those via PM or email)..

    1 TGP Site - Twink Niche => Logo, site design, templated into modified AutoGallery SQL, 5 120x60 recip banners, 5 250x250 promotional banners, 5 468x60 promotional banners

    1 TGP Site - General Gay => Logo, site design, templated into modified AutoGallery SQL, 5 120x60 recip banners, 5 250x250 promotional banners, 5 468x60 promotional banners

    1 Links Portal - Full logo design, site design, templated into modified Links SQL templates, 5 120x60 recip banners, 2 225x225 promotional banners, 10 250x250 promotional banners, 10 468x60 promotional banners

    150 Promotional Banners - 50 Static 50 Animated, variety of sizes (225x225, 250x250, 120x240, 125x125, 120x60, 468x60, 468x80)

    5 Promotional Banners - static, Full Page

    10 Promotional Banners - Flash (5 250x250, 5 468x80)

    200 Gallery Pages - each semi-unique, including image selection and sizing

    Descriptions - Need descriptions written up for each of the 200 Gallery Pages listed above after they're created.

    Descriptions - Need descriptions + keywords written for every photoset in a paysite (approx. 500). Each set is already in a custom CMS, you'll be provided with a login that will allow you to enter the description and keywords for each set into our database.

    3 Logos - cartoon caricature

    Voice Imaging - 4 30 second spots, fully produced

    2 Tshirt Designs - small front left design, full sized back design, will do a first run of 250 each if you're also able to handle that

    1 Mousepad Design - will do a first run of 250 if you're able to do that as well

    Traffic - looking to do some major traffic buys for mid-april timeframe, not looking to make buys from people that can't offer at least 15,000 user clicks / month (gay specific, niche is unimportant). Also looking for webmaster traffic for the same time frame. Don't have a minimum click requirement, but am looking for decent exposure sites only.

    Content - I'm ALWAYS buying up twink content, and have just about snatched up everything available from the brokers (both large and small) that I like. If you have exclusive or semi-exclusive stuff let me know. North American and European providers ONLY please. I've had enough bad experiences from everywhere else in the world to officially boycott them, sorry.

    I've got the cash on hand and am ready to go, so I'm hoping as much of it as possible can go to people that I at least semi know (or are the types of people that I would at least semi like to get to know). Willing to make payouts via CC, Wire Transfer, and Check (certified) ONLY. Sorry, but I'm not signing up for funky online payment systems, they make my CFO bitchy.....

  2. #2
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    $35 for the gallery descriptions as long as you tell me how long approx each desc should be, and whether each needs one cap or one on each word.

    i do descriptions and keywords, but can't quote without knowing about how long each description should be. i can tell you that i will give you a fair deal, and get done in a timely manner - and that i am great with keywords ;-)

  3. #3
    Of course you know I would love to help with the shirts and mousepads. Can I pm you for additional info?

  4. #4

    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    $35 for the gallery descriptions as long as you tell me how long approx each desc should be, and whether each needs one cap or one on each word.

    i do descriptions and keywords, but can't quote without knowing about how long each description should be. i can tell you that i will give you a fair deal, and get done in a timely manner - and that i am great with keywords ;-)
    I was soo hoping you'd have the time/desire to work on this project basschick

    For the galleries, each description (aka title) should be about 5 words (give or take) and have a cap on each word.

    For the photosets, I'm looking for actual descriptions that describes the set to the users. Should average 10 words give or take 2 or 3, and be in sentence format (1st word cap, other words lower with . at end), along with 3 or 4 keywords. Ideally, you'd come up with a standard set of keywords and just apply whatever ones are applicable to each set. Just don't underestimate the work involved when quoting this part of the job, as everything needs entered into a web-based form and submitted, for each set individually.

  5. #5

    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalJay
    Of course you know I would love to help with the shirts and mousepads. Can I pm you for additional info?
    Yup, everyone should feel free to hit me up via PM on here or via AIM at TheBoyAlley


  6. #6
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    sounds wonderful. i'm used to writing 450 - 800 character descriptions. 5 words or 10 words sounds relaxing

    obviously i'd have to see the form to figure how complex this will be, but it sounds like something fun and fairly fast (lots of f's there). let's talk when you're ready to go.

    Quote Originally Posted by JustMe
    For the galleries, each description (aka title) should be about 5 words (give or take) and have a cap on each word.

    For the photosets, I'm looking for actual descriptions that describes the set to the users. Should average 10 words give or take 2 or 3, and be in sentence format (1st word cap, other words lower with . at end), along with 3 or 4 keywords. Ideally, you'd come up with a standard set of keywords and just apply whatever ones are applicable to each set. Just don't underestimate the work involved when quoting this part of the job, as everything needs entered into a web-based form and submitted, for each set individually.

  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Ill send Forest a link to this thread for the galleries

    Welre in the process of having his team design some for us and they look shit hot :thumbsup:

    For the T-shirts, hit up Digital Jay or

    The voice imaging, you could probably get done cheaper offline in the 'non adult' world for what its worth



  8. #8
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Can you clarify what this means?

    templated into modified Links SQL templates

  9. #9
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    i've been extremely happy with the banners we get from webinc - the quality, the layouts, and even the price is good has tons of experience with tgps, and has a lot of experience, too. makes some nice galleries at an amazing price, and has reasonable prices and experience. we've used them both, and were quite satisfied. highendcreatives are more graphical,'s are more text oriented as far as links.

    for fhg's, i saw this guy on gfy and although i don't know him, some of his fhg designs - like milfhunter - are the best i've seen. he understands that fhg's can have a lot more advertising space underneath, and made great use of it.

    dunno if any of that helps, but thought i'd put it out there...

  10. #10
    people beware!
    Ask money in advance if you plan to do any work for this guy.

  11. #11
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    and you say this why?

    Quote Originally Posted by flashfreak
    people beware!
    Ask money in advance if you plan to do any work for this guy.

  12. #12

    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    and you say this why?
    You have got to be kidding me. He says this because I was going to buy a bunch of pre-made flash games from him. He sent them to us to look at, there were several things that made us VERY concerned with them (I'm not going to start libeling another company by discussing details.), so we decided we didn't want them. We didn't pay him for them, and we didn't put them live on our site, end of story.

    There are probably a couple of content producers from Russia and South America that may troll into this thread as well, we didn't use content that they sent to us, or pay them for it, either. We had VERY good reason not to, but again, I'm not going to libel other companies or individuals by discussing details.

    Hopefully in this industry people can imagine and understand the situations that I'm talking about, and I'm confident that they would have done the same as I in each of them.

    If anyone that's interested in doing some work for me feels uncomfortable, I have business references on file for the past several years that can attest to well into the 7 figures worth of contracts and work that has been done for me.

    As for prepayment, that's something I do when the situation warrants it, or if it's an individual/company I'm confident with (read: not located in romania, russia, south america, etc.). I also of course pay deposits, etc. as is standard business practice for design work and the like.

    Some people have the nerve. I'm not going to allow this thread to become any more ridiculous that it already has, so I will not being playing tit-for-tat with this guy....

  13. #13

    Quote Originally Posted by Bec
    Can you clarify what this means?

    templated into modified Links SQL templates
    Hey there Bec. Sure, we're using a modified version of a commercial package called "Links SQL" by Gossamer Threads Inc. for the Links Portal. It's a template based system, so we would need the layout to be designed and formatted for those templates.

  14. #14
    Thanx for the link lee!

    Yes my guys do some great galleries and they are priced right

    TGP galleries are 7.50 for templates or 9.95 with the thumb images in them

    here are some gay sample galleries we did for a client

    MGP galleries are 12.00 each

    We also do very inexpensive FPA's HPA's Banners, Full TGP sites and just about anything else your design needs call for

    My icq is 118156620 or e-mail me at

  15. #15

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    The voice imaging, you could probably get done cheaper offline in the 'non adult' world for what its worth

    Thanks for the references Lee! I always like to do business with someone that's done work for someone that I know.

    As for the voice imaging... Yeah, I have a guy that I've used many times in the past that's been the voice of the MTV Video Music Awards along with other things. A VERY talented man. But for some reason he's not comfortable recording ad spots about butt fucking. Who would have thought?


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