7 Days in... Peter Gallagher
Okay, I just discovered the AOL music site. As much as I hate AOL this is pretty cool stuff. It lets you preview entire CDs before buying them without all the mucking about downloading MP3's. There is a new CD by Peter Gallagher called "7 Days in Memphis". I don't think he sings or plays, I think he just picked out the songs. I don't know. But anyway, I used to see him at the hotel I worked at in Hollywood all the time and always thought he was so dreamy. But the reason I'm bringing all this up is that AOL has to condense the titles of the CDs when they list them at the top of the page, so the title fits the same space as the thumbnail pic of the CD cover. So while I was checking out the new Cyndi Lauper acoustic CD, I looked up and saw...
"7 Days in... Peter Gallagher"
Hey, I wouldn't mind spending 7 days in Peter Gallagher. Woof! :woof: