I don't ever recall the FSC saying they were going to file their injunction within days. The new 2257 was issued on or about June 1st and the FSC filed the injunction on 17th of the month. It took time for the attorneys (2 law firms) to digest the new regulation, prepare their response to it and then file. Actually, they did it pretty damn quick. I would much prefer that they take their time and cover all the bases.

I disagree with Lee that the FSC is going to lose it. But, that's his opinion and he's enitled to it, and we will know within the next few hours or tomorrow who is correct.

I'm not sure why so many people seem to be so upset with the FSC. You should be thanking you lucky stars that some organization is out there trying to protect your 1st Amendment rights and your righteous asses. Huskyhunks is correct, we all need a trade association and we all need to belong to it.

Most responsible webmasters who are affected by the new regs are doing everything they can to comply with them, according to their understanding of them, regardless of what the FSC does or doesn't do. But it's nice to know that we aren't hanging out there in the breeze all by ourselves and that at least the FSC is going to bat for it's members and ultimately for all adult webmasters and producers.
