Hey there!

Its been awhile since my last post but I assure you that I have been very very busy. The last few months I have developed several new websites containing original content, traveled to Switzerland, Italy and Spain to do photos and video shoots of hot boys and now I am back in Rome!!
That would be Italy not Georgia nor Texas. I am currently concluding a photo series on Italian firemen and a professional footbal team: Last year it was French firemen! Love those boys in uniform. Oh, and there will be video behind the scenes avaialble in September!

Several months ago I made some post trying to sell original content and liquidate some of my photo book titles. Well, I had several 'finger #### from the many internet post that I made including from some of you here in this forum. However, there were no serious takers.

I am very fortunate because I did sell the books to a lady in Malibu California USA. It was sort of a freak ocassion because I was very furstrated with the industry at this point. Then I recalled talking with a persons 7 years ago when I was working on a documentary for CNN and voila, using my professional journalistic skills, and contacts stateside, I reloacted her contact information. She egaerly made arrangements for me to travel to France( I was on location in Spain) a courier and her European represenattive to meet me in Paris, paid me a deposit and end of story. Lock stock and barrel sold, and I look forward to getting other projects off the ground and possibly channeled in USA via her. Strange world isn't it.

Keep your eyes out guys and gals, I have so much content on video and photos now to sell and as time permits I will post some samples... in any case see the latest post 'LAZY SUMMER' in the content forum, oh la la...

In conclusion, BEC THANKS A MILLION I took your advice and DID IT! This adventure of a lifetime continues....
Love ya! LA
