1. I'm the oldest of 6 kids. My Sister is gay, 2 brothers should be. (which proves the genetic gene is carried from Mother ... as they're all half-siblings)

2. I'm the perpetual student, I love learning new things.

3. Like Holly, I tried having sex with a guy once ...but didn't.

4. Holidays are hard, grew up with an alcoholic stepdad who always ruined them, and my father passed away Dec.31st after a very short illness.

5. I owned my own photography studio for 16 years, and actually did it full time for over 8.

6. When I wasn't doing photography my career path consisted of food service management, either in restaurants or health care.

7. Currently unemployed (3 years) as a result of a car accident and bypass surgery within 2 years of each other. SSI says I'm fine though.

8. My deepest heart dream has always been to be a successful writer. I love anything Sci-Fi or Fantasy.

9. First sex with a girl was in a Girl Scout camp in Maine... I'd just turned 18.

10. My first ever website is now one of the largest resources for lesbian art and literature on the net. Over 800 pages, avg of 8 million unique visitors a year, often copied in concept, even down to it's name www.creative-women.com ... and I can't even make a dime with it!