Not trying to make political capital out of a disastrous situation, but I knew this day would come unfortunately.

There should ALREADY be a lot more help, food, water, clothing, medical supplies and re-location efforts under way in the Gulf states than there has been. And I, frankly, am outraged that there hasn't been.

WHY hasn't it been better and more coordinated? There's plenty of food, water, and other supplies available..but the MANPOWER to distribute/move these items is NOT. Right now the Gulf states are operating at only 50% or less than normal of their National Guard manpower. Why? Because they are in frigging Iraq!

That's one of the main purposes of the National be in your state in case of emergencies just like this one. Now other states are hurrying up and sending what they have in terms on manpower down to to the Gulf states.

And Gawd forbid that another terrible disaster hits this country as we are ill prepared to deal with a second Katrina like disaster.