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Thread: What Are Your Major Vices?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    What Are Your Major Vices?

    That is to say, those things you willingly do that harm yourself or, your property.

    I think my biggest vice at the present time is that i smoke (a lot) and ill occasionally drink although admittedly, not as much as i used to LOL

    So what are your vices?



  2. #2
    Guest's sticky, it's green, it makes me really mellow and happy. But I haven't had it in a long, LONG while, it just isn't worth the risk. Wouldn't it be nice if our gov couldn't tell us what kind of plants we can and can't have, of all stupid things? If it ever becomes legal, i want a coffee table made out of compressed green. Then if it ever breaks, wooh party! I'll never, ever buy the stuff though as long as it's illegal, just not worth it.

    Me + __.oO = :high:

  3. #3
    The vice that does the most damage and the one I'd truly love to dump just so happens to be the hardest to get out of my life ... WORK!

    Drugs: Mary Juanna is my all around favourite, followed by hallucinogens (zoomers, uncle squidly, yadda yadda) and then all the other substances that I enjoy throatin.

    Freeheeling/Telemarking: so hard on my body, but what a rush.

    Dancing to some pounding repetitive beats: the first few minutes are innocent, but it all goes to hell once the devil takes control, making my head nod & hips gyrate.

  4. #4
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hollywood, CA
    My biggest vice is still...

    Sexing Guinnea Pigs!!!

    I'm embarrased to say that I typed the words "Sex Pig" into Google just for the hell of it and this was the second page that came up. LOL!!!
    Don Mike

  5. #5
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hollywood, CA

    There are many documented stories of vets missexing guinea pigs.
    I hate it when my guinea pigs are missexed.
    Don Mike

  6. #6
    Silly me. It seems I forgot to mention another vice, which many attribute to my heritage, Italian (thusly I am forgiven for, usually): I more or less say what is on my mind ... whether it be a serious conversation or simple pillow talk/fluff.

    I do not mind 'playin' games and such, but when it is called for, I do not pull any punches .. I let em have it like a dog, the only way I know to dish it out ... rough ... uh, ruff.

  7. #7
    Unicycles - I have two in the car at all times.

  8. #8
    Hamilton Steele
    I'm an alcoholic.

    Sometimes I buy a bottle and when I get home I give it to my wife. She then either gives it to someone else, locks it up so I can't get it or just some how makes sure it disappears from my sight.

    I really don't understand why I do this from time to time. But it is just something I need to do every so often.

  9. #9
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hollywood, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamilton Steele
    I'm an alcoholic.

    Sometimes I buy a bottle and when I get home I give it to my wife. She then either gives it to someone else, locks it up so I can't get it or just some how makes sure it disappears from my sight.

    I really don't understand why I do this from time to time. But it is just something I need to do every so often.
    Hamilton, that is the most bittersweet thing I've ever heard. Thank you for sharing that with us.
    Don Mike

  10. #10
    Hamilton Steele
    Quote Originally Posted by WWC-DonMike
    Hamilton, that is the most bittersweet thing I've ever heard. Thank you for sharing that with us.
    Thank you for reading it.

    I don't hide who or what I am or where I came from. I write and talk very openly and frankly about these things. Because to be honest, my shoulders just aren't big enough to carry the load in silence.

  11. #11
    Top Cat
    Coffee and chocolate...and the darker the better for both!

  12. #12
    Meant to be Obscene, not Heard. HotMaleVideos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I am a ketchup fiend.

    French fries are nothing more than a vessel for which I transport the pureed and sugared tomato from the plate, and to my awaiting mouth for consumption.

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