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Thread: It's about time for this

  1. #1
    You don't have to be straight to be in the Army; you just have to be able to shoot straight. ponyboy's Avatar
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    It's about time for this

    Anti-War Activists Plan Massive D.C. Rally

    I was wondering when this was going to happen. It’s about time that the freethinking Americans stand up and be counted! My brother called and wanted me to go, and I said yes, but it turned out to be Sept. not Oct. like I was told. I wonder if I can get my lovers surgery put off,,,,,,,,,,,, no he would kill me.

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    You know, the same as you i wondered when something like this would happen to.

    I think what has sparked this was that 'Cindy' (what was her surname?) woman who basically plonked herself right outside Bush's home while he was vacationing.

    Anti-War protests were very popular in the 70's my only concern, is that they dont end up the same way most of them did, with violence.



  3. #3
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    where you guys been? last year, there were some very large anti-war rallies. i had the misfortune to be driving through hollywood, and got stuck behind one of them. i was sitting almost in one place in my car for a couple hours. i saw thousands of people leaving, and tons more staying - surrounded by tons of police.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    where you guys been? last year, there were some very large anti-war rallies. i had the misfortune to be driving through hollywood, and got stuck behind one of them. i was sitting almost in one place in my car for a couple hours. i saw thousands of people leaving, and tons more staying - surrounded by tons of police.
    Not everyone lives in L.A. :honest:
    There have been some somewhat large rallies..but nothing compared to what it was like say against the War in Vietnam.

    Hopefully this one will equal or surpass those! :thumbsup:!

  5. #5
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    what do you mean, "not everyone lives in l.a."? of COURSE they do. it's a well-known fact that san francisco, new york and ohio are all suburbs of los angles :honest:

    yeah, yeah - that's the ticket!

  6. #6
    I have to share my feelings CJ-KJCash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    what do you mean, "not everyone lives in l.a."? of COURSE they do. it's a well-known fact that san francisco, new york and ohio are all suburbs of los angles :honest:

    yeah, yeah - that's the ticket!

    Not sure you Ohio in that mix, I am from there and I sure wouldnt want it...Dont forget they were the swing vote that continued this fiasco for another 4 years.

  7. #7
    You don't have to be straight to be in the Army; you just have to be able to shoot straight. ponyboy's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    I always thought that everyone lived in and around New York City the center of the world?
    “Somewhat large rallies. But nothing compared to what it was like say against the War in Vietnam” Give it time as this drags on and people start to open there eyes up and not follow.
    The flower power kids of the 60’s and 70’s are old now it takes time to get us going, oo But I do see a drop in kids signing up for the army. Now their thing is to get the parents into sending their kids to die for nothing. They changed their TV ads around.
    Also remmber there is no draft yet. when that starts up all hell will break out.

  8. #8
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    Thank God for DC

    A great place for protest (especially of this kind)

    We really need to do something to end all of this hatred and violence.

    What we realy need is another "Cooper/Church" Ammendment to end the
    funding of the war...

    The anit-war protest in (Hollywood) LA was a good attempt but, most Angelinos didn't know that they had to get out of their cars and walk someplace!!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    what do you mean, "not everyone lives in l.a."? of COURSE they do. it's a well-known fact that san francisco, new york and ohio are all suburbs of los angles :honest:

    yeah, yeah - that's the ticket!
    ..well send some of your friggin sunshine north this winter to your Seattle suburb!

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