Originally posted by Scorpio
I'm totally up for a civil union. At least, let's start with the civil union then in a few years, start the marriage thingy.. but not the other way around.
Yep thats pretty much my take on thngs too Steve

Whilst i dont agree with a gay 'marriage' not being legal i think by aiming for that immediately is the wrong way to go about things.

As it stands right now a fair amount of the general population seem to think that we are all being drama queens fo wanting this and, in all honesty, a lot of the media coverage is from gay individuals wanting the full blown marriage in fact, to date, i dont think i have heard any gay couple or individual stating that they would settle for a civil union.. kin of makes the mind boggle.. Rome wasnt built in a day as they say

How long did it take before they let blacks and women have a vote? Same thing here.. lets just hope it doesnt take the same route as those two examples did because of all this drama being created.

