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Thread: Underage designers

  1. #1

    Underage designers

    I have been looking around at a few designer/programmer sites and other a good many are 15 and 16 year old programmers and designers here (the states) and overseas. And many of them are rather good at what they do. Then again, computers have been around their whole life.

    I would think the information of the designer/programmer should be kept on file just as much as the models themselves. We need to keep all records on business’ we deal with in our non adult business so why not with the adult business too?

    My main question is; can you use these resources to do business with and if it’s a design and you need to send them the content for the splash, header/footers. If this going to be used against you as “sending porn to a minor?”

  2. #2
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    My main question is; can you use these resources to do business with and if it’s a design and you need to send them the content for the splash, header/footers. If this going to be used against you as “sending porn to a minor?”
    I would certainly think it could be :coffee:

  3. #3
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    We met a fabulous US-based designer willing to do work for us for a very inexpensive price. We talked to him, he sounded young, we asked his age. He was 16.

    We politely said that while he did beautiful work, we couldn't have him working on our stuff, but we'd keep him on file for when he turned 18.

    If you're taking every reasonable step to ensure that surfers under 18 can't access adult content on your site, you will totally blow that if you willingly engage in providing adult materials to a 16 year old to produce banners.

    All you need is for Mom or Dad to run across Johnny's computer, him to say "It's OK, I'm doing a job for XYZ company" and you're fucked.

  4. #4
    Hiring a guy who is underage for XXX design is totally wrong in my eyes.
    There are zillions of good designers out there, so why mess with underage stuff when you know it'll probably get you in trouble.

    I say leave the under 18 alone!
    Just my 2 cents.

  5. #5
    Myself, I would never hire someone underage to design / program but when looking around and finding out some of the ages, I just had to ask.

  6. #6
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Sure I'd hire someone under 18 to design my adult site!

    Depending on the design, it's totally feasible to give them photos of puppies that I could later replace with adult photos, after the design was done.

    If I hired an under 18 designer they wouldn't have any access to adult material, needless to say.
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    I have to agree with all that has been said so far.

    A few years back one of our translators was ready to start work on an 'adult' job we had and, in the process of getting her ready to start she told me her age.

    We instantly stopped the work with her, paid her what sh would have gotten paid and hired someone else to do the work.

    Its just not worth the potential legal hassles fo you or them in the long run.



  8. #8
    Nice and very profound question... Maybe it is wrong to hire underage, but nowadays kids grow too fast and sometimes it's hard to catch up with the process of their development - both physical and mental...

    I think it's a question of time.

    Some of teens are surfing the internet and looking for free porn and others turn out to be more interested and desided to earn money that way. They can start with design and by the time they are of legal age they can become adult webmasters...

    Anyway it's up to you to deside. But these my 2 cents :egypt:

  9. #9
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    but it's not up to US to help them grow up too fast.

  10. #10
    throw fundamentalists to the lions chadknowslaw's Avatar
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    Do not employ persons under the age of 18 to do work on your sites. Period.

    First, someone under 18 is not going to be bound by a contract. [good legal reason to stay away from under 18 employees]

    Second, you are very likely exposing the under-18 designer to pornography and very likely committing a crime by doing so [another very good legal reason not to hire under 18 employees]

    Third, they are just not reliable!
    Chad Belville, Esq
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Keeping you out of trouble is easier than getting you out of trouble!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    but it's not up to US to help them grow up too fast.

    It's a good question though (It made me think. I would have never thought about asking a designers age. But then again, I live with a designer so I wouldn't have ever had the need)
    Plus, like Scorpio said, there are loads of designers and programers out there that are over 18.
    There shouldn't be any trouble finding someone adult to do the work...

  12. #12
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadknowslaw
    Do not employ persons under the age of 18 to do work on your sites. Period.

    First, someone under 18 is not going to be bound by a contract. [good legal reason to stay away from under 18 employees]

    Second, you are very likely exposing the under-18 designer to pornography and very likely committing a crime by doing so [another very good legal reason not to hire under 18 employees]

    Third, they are just not reliable!
    Reason 3 is the best one.

    There are plenty of under 18 employees at fast food joints etc. so their age doesn't affect their ability to work. And reason 2 is controllable as far as what I provide ( i.e. make me a kick ass design and substitute any photos with those of little puppy dogs )

    But... again... reason 3 is the best.. they most likely wouldn't be reliable at all. :thumbsup:

    Gotta love Chad :francais:
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  13. #13
    throw fundamentalists to the lions chadknowslaw's Avatar
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    Just for you Squirt

    Chad Belville, Esq
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Keeping you out of trouble is easier than getting you out of trouble!

  14. #14
    throw fundamentalists to the lions chadknowslaw's Avatar
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    There are plenty of under 18 employees at fast food joints etc. so their age doesn't affect their ability to work. QUOTE]

    If your under 18 hamburger flipper walks out on you in the middle of a job you can easily replace him. If your under 18 designer walks out in the middle of a job you may have already paid him for work he never delivered [good luck enforcing your contract with him] and you may have lost development time too.

    They are employable, but I would think not worth all the risks.
    Chad Belville, Esq
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Keeping you out of trouble is easier than getting you out of trouble!

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