Oh man it doesn't get much better than this!!!!!!!

1. Cylon computer virus.
2. viper declared unservicable scrap.
3. Chief and Helo slug it out.
4. Building and flight testing a new viper.
5. Bad news for president roslynn
6. Boomer bleeds on fiber optic cable.
7. Cylon task force of hunderds is mopped up!

All in All!!!!

This episode Rocked! Especially when Mr. Gayda yelled at Commander Ti, "IT's A FRACKING FACT!"

When I die and go to heaven and the good Lord asks me what I want. I'm going to say "make me a member of the Galactica crew." Which will probably be translate into being put in a theatre with old re-runs of the new shows and the old ones. But I'm ok with that.