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Thread: Workload > Pay Ratio For An In-House Designer?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Oct 2003
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    Workload > Pay Ratio For An In-House Designer?

    Okay, for those of you who have in-house designers presently, how do you work out what their annual salary should be?

    Do you base it on a number of hours worked in a week or, do you base it on the amount of design work they will be doing?

    I've been talking to a few different people over the last month or two who are looking for a full time design gig but im really at a loss as to what we should be offering them pay wise.

    Your thoughts?



  2. #2
    Well there are a lot of factors to think about.
    And it all depends if you prefer quality over quantity or vice versa.
    I used to work for 2 companies:

    - Company 1 was paying me pratically nothing compared to what i had to do for them, and i'm just not talking about design! I never really had a thank you.. so after a while, i just wasn't producing due to the lack of motivation.
    Quantity here but quality was not really good.

    - Company 2 is the best one i've worked for. Pays me really well. Gives me time to think about the design. No stress. So quantity is not really here but at least, i can take the time to create something nicer.

    In my 6 years as a designer... i've come to meet the cheapest bastards on the web! So if you're one of them, i'm sorry for that designer LOL But if you're not, just talk with him/her and that's how you'll both come up with a fair amount of work/money.

    Webmasters hiring a designer have to understand that they're not only paying for designs but also for the availability, the effort, the engagement...
    My boss can call me anything if he has a problem, or ask me to make something on the spot.

    Anyway just my 2 cents as a designer. There are other factors to take in consideration of course.

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?'s Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Thanks Scorpio for the nice comments. It has been a pleasure to have you aboard. I really believe in keeping the employees happy. If you don't and they don't like their job it will definitely show in their work especially when doing design work. I currently pay however the designer wants to be paid whether it is per job, hourly etc. I don't know if that helps you Lee but thought I would put in my 2 cents.

    * - If you can't convert us you better look for a new job!

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