I'll share a few to get the ball rolling...

1. The guy in NY who sounded like Tony Soprano... obsessed with "derriers" and grilling me about what the asses of certain models looked like up close. Then asking for autographed pics of selected model's asses, making sure that the writing was on the back so it didn't obscure the ass.

2. The 78 y/o man in WI who needed his videos delivered on a specific day because he was afraid his 92 y/o sister would "out" him if she saw them.

3. The man in CA who spoke with 1 second gaps between words, like he was a stroke victim or something, who went on and on and on about his oil and gas wells, and how he would buy ME a plane ticket to CA when he struck it rich. Then he informed me that he was naked during the entire phone call.

4. The woman in SC who needed videos delivered to her beach house on a specific day, because her husband and kids would not be there that day and she didn't want them to find out she masturbated to gay porn.

Customers... bless 'em all!