In what is seen as a medical miracle, a 25-year-old gay man from the UK has been completely cured of Aids without any medication. The case of Andrew Stimson, who moved to London from Scotland four years ago, is a sensational development for Aids researchers who have so far tried and failed to develop a vaccine.

Medical experts are unable to explain the Stimson phenomenon, which they describe as “spontaneous viral clearance”, the mechanism that enabled the former hairdresser to clear the virus naturally from his body. They have asked to make himself available for more tests.

Prof Jonathan Weber, one of UK’s leading HIV/Aids experts, said: “It’s tantalising for scientists wanting to create an HIV vaccine. There have been spectacular advances in the use of combinations of drugs to treat HIV since 1995, and now infected men and women with access to these drugs may lead near-normal lives. However the drugs are not preventing new infections. We need a vaccine but there is no plausible candidate on the horizon.”

Another Aids expert, Dr Patrick Dixon, from the international Aids group, Acet, has described the Stimson case as “very, very unusual". “I've come across many anecdotal reports of this kind of thing happening in Africa, some quite recently, but it’s difficult to verify them," he told the BBC.

Stimson was diagnosed HIV-positive in August 2002 at a time when he was having protected sex with his 44-year-old long-term partner.

“Initially, I was HIV-negative, but it takes three months to show up in blood tests”, he revealed.

“On August 15 a further test came back neither positive nor negative. Then two further tests were returned positive. I didn’t speak for two days after because I didn’t know what to think or what to say. The doctor said I could live for ten years, 20 years, maybe 40 years. But your natural reaction is to think you will die sooner rather than later. “In a split second everything I dreamed of — all my life goals disappeared. I thought I might be dead within six months.”

One year later during a routine appointment at his clinic, Stimson had another routine test. This time the result came back negative and three further tests showed the same result.

Stimson said, “My doctor came in the room and kept saying, “You’ve cured yourself, you’re fantastic.”

Whilst this is definately a 'feel good' story, i cant help but think the reason for his sudden 'cure' was that the hospital fucked up his results to begin with.

I mean, if the first test came back as either +/- and the second test came back as neither, after 3 tests you'd figure they'd have the right answer.

Im more inclined personally, to beleive that the testing center screwed up.

