i just reviewed a site with really unique content but tiny videos. several have commented to me that this site retained poorly, and i couldn't figure out why. i mean, the site almost has the niche to itself. the full videos are 320x240 WMVs of average quality but the clips are MPGS so small they look like dialup videos - or postage stamps. when i watched them at 200% they were too blurry to really enjoy. WHAT a disappointment. and the site didn't have pics at all.

i think the owner has in mind to sell his videos with this site, but if he had good-sized good quality movies and made vidcaps of the videos before shrinking them so he could offer pics, he would enjoy plenty of monthly rebills as well. the unedited video section has over 150 hours of exclusive video - all too small to sit back and enjoy fully.

i wish site owners would realize they'll make more money than they'll spend if their videos are big enough to enjoy!