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Thread: fun exchange

  1. #1

    fun exchange

    His email - mind you I have no idea who this person is but he was obviously so fired up about the article that he went out of his way to respond to it via email, followed by my email back to him. about a content management article i wrote for Cybersocket... btw thanks for the help on that Lee
    Ray Barry wrote:

    >I absolutely hated your article "Content Management: INHOUSE VS
    >You just don't get it, you think you are sounding cool and hip with what's
    >going on with the big boys but your not.
    >You are playing right into the hands of the corporate conglomerates and the
    >GOP (republicans in case you were wondering), who would sooner wipe you off
    >the bottom of their shoe than acknowledge your presence or existence simply
    >because you are writing for Limited Liability Corporation publishing
    >soft-core gay porn.
    >If you really understood, what the outsourcing fad was about then either you
    >would include the words "offshore", because that is where the true cost
    >savings comes in or if they are not offshore then call them what they have
    >been called for the past decade or so "Contactors".
    >Ask yourself these simple questions:
    > If you were to layoff one of your longer tenured employees
    >and replace them with a college graduate or even high school drop out at
    >half the pay, could you get away with it?
    > If both the long tenured employee and the
    >college graduate were employees of your company - of course not, that is
    >called age discrimination.
    > If you lay off the long tenured employee and
    >replaced them with an outside contractor who is licensed to do business and
    >pays taxes in the US possibly, but seldom do corporations convert existing
    >jobs to consulting jobs due to risk of lawsuit by the former employees if
    >not handled appropriately.
    > If you lay off the long tenured employee and
    >replaced them with a lower wage employee through an outsource firm who is
    >offshore in India, Pakistan, Ireland or the Cayman Islands. Yes you can,
    >because the GOP has strong-armed these countries into making changes to
    >their countries labor laws (you know the same ones that protect workers here
    >and piss them off when a lawsuit is filed piss them off because they have to
    >follow them here)
    > Does the "Outsourcing" company offer employees benefits such
    >as health care, profit sharing, paid vacations, illness pay, reasonable
    >labor shifts?
    > If the answer is "You don't know" or "You
    >don't care" then you don't need to know nor does anyone have to care when
    >you're next on the outsourcing hit list?
    > If the answer is "No" then this is called a
    >SWEATSHOP, please go stand next to Kathy Lee
    > If the answer is, "Yes" and the employee who
    >took over the work live overseas; then you are doing absolutely nothing to
    >help the US economy. In fact, you are hurting it with:
    >* Increases in unemployment benefits paid out by the US (we working
    >folk pay for those out of our tax dollars)
    >* Decreases in US demand (for products they would be buying if they
    >had a job, you will know what I'm talking about when you go without a job
    >for a few months)
    >* Decreases effectiveness of your advertising (employees are typically
    >customers, sometimes your best customers - unless the products or services
    >aren't available or irrelevant in the country those workers live)
    > If the answer is "Yes" and they live in the
    >US good, I'm glad someone has figured out how to manage employees because
    >your article certainly says you don't know how to or you just can't be
    >bothered. (Just as I can't be bothered to pick up this publication again
    >even though it has some worth while content - it's just so much work to walk
    >all the way down to the end of the block and so many keystrokes to type in
    >the web address. It's called management because you manage and that takes
    >some actual effort. If you are not getting effective use out of your
    >employees then the only person you can blame is yourself.
    >What Outsourcing is actually about is bringing down US Salaries; most of the
    >companies I have interviewed have pulled back their offshore outsourcing
    >within six months to two years (meanwhile they have cut some of the high
    >wage earners and hire back low wage earners). This is nothing new, its
    >called exploitation for the sole purpose of corporate greed but it will all
    >come back to bite us in the end when demand goes down for products and
    >services, wages go down, forcing supplier prices to go down as with the
    >value of our dollar and self respect.
    >By the way, have you thought about how this may impact your friends or
    >family members because their bosses read too and may have been mislead by
    >your article. You need to realize when you speak in a public forum that your
    >actions can have negative or positive impact - you chose the easy, lazy,
    >save a quick buck and don't care about the other guy approach (you are my
    >I won't even go into what measures of security of company, advertiser and
    >customer information nor the quality and sense of accomplishment knowing
    >that you personally accomplished this work.
    >You probably buy frozen dinners, prefabricated furniture and drive a car you
    >can't possibly afford - don't ask how I know, I just do.
    >Awful work Brian, congratulations.
    >Ray Barry
    >San Francisco CA 94114
    Thanks for taking the time to write. Despite the poor sentence structure, grammar, and frequent lapses in punctuation I was nonetheless able to detect your intent.
    Firstly, I'm sorry you've been laid off. If your ability to comprehend written word was the least bit at fault for that, I can't blame your former employer. Secondly, I'm sorry you wasted so much of your time getting fired up about and going off on some rant about something the article wasn't dealing with in the slightest. Your feelings regarding overseas outsourcing aside, the article wasn't about that. Your preexisting feelings about the Republican Party, sweatshops, outsourcing on the whole, the global economy, and all of the things you touched on at a 7th grade writing ability in your letter were drawn from so deep in left field that I'd urge you to read over the article again so that you could have at the very least the smallest ounce of a clue what I'd written.
    If you're under the belief that outsourcing exists only to other countries and doesn't at all exist stateside between two companies operating in and based out of the United States - or that intranational outsourcing is some heretofore unheard of concept - then I'm not at all surprised you're unemployed on account of being so clueless.
    I'll finish this letter up now because you're obviously a very sensitive, emotional person with judgement clouded by bitterness towards the world around you. Suffice to say, I shared your letter with a number of friends and business associates - including clients here in the US who outsource their content management to my company (also in the US - egad!) - and we all laughed heartily at the nonsense you wrote.
    Good luck on finding a job and destroying the evil Republican establishment that you'd most likely have managed to reference if my article was about whether Coke or Pepsi were better and all the best in landing a job for yourself. If you have any future correspondence you'd like to direct to me, please feel free to send it through my outsourced secretary in Bangalore. The pittance of a salary I pay her - remarkable savings over employing anyone here stateside, mind you - is more than enough seeing as her specific job function is to filter through whatever crap is sent my way so that it doesn't take up too much of my day. Because, you see... I'm working. Employed. A member of our society's productive demographic. It's one of the advantages of not being an overly emotional, excessively sensitive type with poor reading comprehension and bad writing skills who spends too much of their day railing against the GOP and not enough time having a job.
    Last edited by BDBionic; 03-13-2004 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Have an idea and make it come to life! Gary-Alan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

    Please let us know if he writes back!

    That is just too much... LOL

    Thanks for sharing,

  3. #3
    WOW! That's a guy with too much time on his hands. I wish I had the time to write a short novel on why I didn't like an article.

    I think the poor soul was a wanna be journalist but never made

    BTW - Nice rebuttal Brain hehe


  4. #4
    Yeah i especially loved the Brain part hehehe

    Here's a quick review of your articles that makes sense!

    Brian, your articles are always extremely informative and very well written. They are a great resource to adult webmasters. You have a good ear for whats going on in the adult webmaster profession, and all of your posts/articles are a must-read for any new or even veteran webmaster looking to broaden their digital horizons.

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