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Thread: GWW Community Project

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    GWW Community Project

    GWW Community Project - Preparation.

    Okay here we go with the GWW COmunity project, there were 2 parts of this already posted however i decided to re-write them in order to make the clearer for everyone so here goes.


    In order to complete the first few stages of the GWW community project you will need to have the following items at your disposal:

    1) 6x 10 sets of images and thumbnails each set is to be for a different niche.

    2) 6x niche sponsors (matching the content sets you have from above).

    3) Hosting, Free, Virtual or, Dedicated it doesnt matter.

    4) HTML Skills - Got some funky things we are going to be doing over the next week or two.

    5) This is going to depend on whether you want to us them or not, a banner exchange account and/or a toplist counter account.

    Thats pretty much all the preparation stuff needed next we have the first stage of the project.



  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    GWW Community Project - Stage 1.

    GWW Community Project - Stage 1.

    Hopefully we have all the items in the preparation stage completed and ready to us so here goes with stage one of the GWW Community project.

    The first thing we need to do is to make a standard 10 thumb gallery page layout, on this page you need to decide whether you want to use all text on the page or, a selection of text and banners.

    You need to have the thumbnails and the images named in a generic fashion for each of the 6 sets you currently have so for example..


    Would have thumbnails called...


    Etc, etc.

    Once you have your thumbnails and images named you can now start builing your 6 gallery pages (one for each niche) what you are aiming for is 6 differently colored pages that you can send some sample traffic to in order to start the filtering process of your surfers.

    Bear in mnd however that when building your gallery pages you should use relative paths fo your image calls so for example, should be used instead of this will assist us in a later stage of the project in more ways than you can imagine!

    With the traffic filtering process in mind, you also need to consider how the surfers are going to filter themselves through this first site and, by far the easiest way of achieving this is to make a small selection of text links on the bottom of your gallery pages that link to all 6 of the pages you have created.

    Here is an quick example of a Bi-Sexual gallery page so you can get an idea of what you are hoping to acheive, notice how the larger text links on each of the individual pages goes directly to the sponsor whilst the smaller text links on the bottom link directly to the other gallery pages.

    Another thing you may like to try (as i have done) is to keep each of the 6 niches in ther own sub directory on your server, this way, you will know instantly where a specific sites is as well as making the job of linking to your individual niche sites much easier as you wont have to type in the full domain in each link instead, if you have the sub directorys setup in the root of the domain like i do you will just have to type for your html link /bisexual/ or /twink/ make sure you keep the directory name relevant to the niche though, this will become important in a later stage of the project once we start to dirty up our main hub pages a little.

    If you have any questions or comments about the above stage feel free to post away as well.



  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    GWW Community Project - Stage 2.

    GWW Community Project - Stage 2.

    Now we have the basics of our first set of sites built its time to add some more marketing to them.

    For this stage of the project we need to build 6 individual FPA's (Full Page Ads) for the sponsors sites we have used on our gallery pages.

    Once these FPAs have been built, link them to your sponsor and also link to them on your gallery pages however, using the example in Stage 1 again, doesnt link to the bisexual FPA instead, this gallery page links to the FPA which in turn, links to your gallery page.

    By linking the gallerys and FPA's in this manner, you are not only ensuring that the surfer see's all of the sponsors sites you have to offer but, you are giving them a chance to filter themselves off even more out of the starting point in your hub site.

    Once you have built these 6 FPA's that match the current 6 niches you are building your project site for, you should store them somewhere other than the individual sub directorys for each of the niches so for example, create a new sub directory called 'ads' like i hve done at this way you will know exactly where your FPA pages are no matter how many gallery pages you build.

    Another benefit of storing the FPA's in their own directory i that if at any point in the future you need to change your sponsor out, it is simply a case of changing a single FPA in one location instead of having to change potentially hundeds of FPA's spread across all of your domains.

    Stage 3 will follow tomorrow.



  4. #4
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    Ok ... you lost me here:

    "Once these FPAs have been built, link them to your sponsor and also link to them on your gallery pages however, using the example in Stage 1 again, doesnt link to the bisexual FPA instead, this gallery page links to the FPA which in turn, links to your gallery page."

    On my gallery for say twinks - I have 3 outbound links to the twink sponsor, plus the 5 links at the bottom to the other 5 niches I made.

    Now, am I changing the links outbound to sponsor to the fpa page for twinks? or? and am i changing the links at the bottom that go to the other niche galleries?

  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    If you take a look at the example url you will see a new link between the footer text links and the main gallery page, this is the link you will use to get to the FPA and on the FPA itself you will have a 'no thanks' link going to anothr of the gallerys



  6. #6
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    I just received a pm and figured if one person is asking about it there is a potential for more to ask the same question so here goes with an explanation...

    We have 6 gallery pages
    We have 6 FPA pages

    Lets say we have gallery1, gallery2, gallery3 etc and also fpa1, fpa2, fpa3 etc.

    Gallery AND FPA 1,2,3 etc are for the same niche so gallery 1 and FPA1 are both for the twink niche for example.

    On gallery1.. we link to fpa 2... on gallery 2 we link to fpa 3.. on gallery 3 we link to fpa 4 ...etc...etc...and finally on gallery 6 we link to fpa 1.

    Now the FPA's themselves go directly to your sponsor, you link to the gallerys using a text link saying something like 'no thanks take me to the free pics'. - is an FPA page linking to both the sponsor and also to the twink gallery page.

    Notice that the niche of the FPA and th gallery page you are linking to is different.



  7. #7
    Hi all,

    Maybe this is all like the trees and the forest thing, but Lee, could you actually take a minute to explain what the community project is. I appreciate very much you taking the time to do this for us, but I'd find it helpful if I actually knew what I was building. So far as I can see it's just called the GWW Community Project.

    And might I also suggest that there are probably many people like me who might not be in tune with all of the buzz words and acronymns used in the business. So, an explanation of things like FPA would be helpful.


  8. #8
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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  9. #9
    I am more woman than you will ever have, and more man than you will ever be Fister's Avatar
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    Thanks for the explanation and example, Lee. It is clear now. The easiest way to understand how this works is to start at and keep clicking "No Thanks Show Me the Free Stuff!" on each page. You'll find you've taken a tour of all the thumbnail galleries and all the FPA's (full page ads).

    Dean :bulb:
    Regards, Dean
    Submit your gay porn sites to Latin Men Links
    Porn Guys Tube

  10. #10
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Originally posted by Dzinerbear
    Maybe this is all like the trees and the forest thing, but Lee, could you actually take a minute to explain what the community project is. I appreciate very much you taking the time to do this for us, but I'd find it helpful if I actually knew what I was building. So far as I can see it's just called the GWW Community Project.

    And might I also suggest that there are probably many people like me who might not be in tune with all of the buzz words and acronymns used in the business. So, an explanation of things like FPA would be helpful.
    Hey there.. sorry for the delay in replying to your question this thread just kinda kept geting missed by me when i scanned the forum :eek:

    Okay the community project is basically a series of articles / tutorials on how we can alll improve not only the way we build our sites but also build our sales levels.

    By all of us woking together as a team on this project we all get to see just how little work building 2 or three new sites a day can be leaving us with more time to concentrate on other thngs or, to build more sites.

    FPA - Full Page Ad - I thought i mentioned that in one of the earlier stages so my apologies if i didnt



  11. #11
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    Lee- sticky this puppy - it keeps leaving the yard! LOL

  12. #12
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    So is everyone done with the first stages?



  13. #13
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
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    Lee is this something like your talking about ?
    Last edited by dirtygeek; 03-23-2004 at 12:31 PM.
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

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  14. #14
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Okay continuing with the GWW comunity project we are now going to start to 'dirty' this set of pages we now have up a little.

    The fist thing we need to do (if you signed up for them) is to place a banner exchange and a toplist counter code on the BASE of all of our pages, gallery pages AND FPA pages, this will ensure that we start to build up a small residual traffic base for these pages once we set them live on our other sites.

    The next thing we are going to do is to utilize a small console on the gallery pages, this should be about 300x300 pixels in size and be split into 6 individual cells each cell should have a single word text link which goes to each of the individual gallery pages on our hub site (example console coding coming shortly).

    Now that we have a console on these pages it is time to start the work so far as submission of this hub however, instead of linking them together from our existing sites or manually submitting them what we are going to do is this..

    Head across to Google and download the Toolbar from - where the search form is on the toolbar itself put the FULL url to one of your hub sites gallery pages so for example, i put as the search term.. this will load up your site in your browser window.

    In addition to this, you might also like to post the url of the page you are putting into the toolbar in this thread so that we can all do the same thing.. the more people that o it.. the higher your chances of being listed in a good spot are

    For today this is where the community project will end and we will continue with the optimization of our mini hubs shortly



  15. #15
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Yep Andy thats the idea



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