I look at the affiliate stats (meaning the different ccbill programs we are signed up for) about once per week to see who is converting and who isn't. It's a pain in the ass. I really hate their affiliate stats... almost as bad as I hate their current stock of checks that are impossible to seperate from the stub, (is it just me?). For the most part StatsRemote gives me the data I need for a macro view of everything going on and I can get the basics of what I need on the ccbill affiliate entry. I just have to go into to break it down since there are like 40 different programs in our ccbill profile...About 15 of which are worth their salt (but you can't delete the ones that are shite so you learn to weed through them).

For our main webmaster account, I never go into ccbill for stats reporting. Everything is handled in NATS which is much better and faster at displaying the data and generating the reports I need. I'd have to kill myself if I relied on going directly to CCBill or Epoch for that matter for data on running my biz.