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Thread: What's your experience with marketing phone sex?

  1. #1
    Top Cat

    What's your experience with marketing phone sex?

    I met someone at Phoenix Forum who suggested a bear-niche-specific phone sex line. Wondering what your recent experience is with marketing phone sex lines. Do they make money? How did you promote them? How does the revenue compare to promoting other web-based products?

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    5 or 6 years ago audio text was a really good seller for us however, as time went on and other mediums took over (movies/dating sites/cruising sites) sales for us started to decline so we removed it from our marketing line up.

    I know a couple of people who do well with it still but, they spend a lot of time getting the basics setup and the branding in print publications.

    My gut reaction, based on our own experiences is that audio text, specifically the phone sex market is all but dead unless you have a viable source of traffic / promoting it.

    Who knows though, you might find it does really well for you but, you'll never know unless you try.



  3. #3
    my experience with marketing phone sex is that I can never get the guy to call me back ;-)

  4. #4
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Itinerant photographer, now in Liverpool... and on Stripchat and Streamen and Chaturbate.
    In 1989, on the leading edge of the 976- and 900- pay per call wave, I "invented" a GAB service (Group Access Bridge) in the Twin Cities that allowed 1+1 and 1+8 callers to call and chat anonymously. I took several 10s of 1000s of calls per month.

    When USWest stopped doing 976- billing in 1997, I chose to move to doing Internet things than 900- service (thru ATT, MCI, etc).

    Just last year, a variety of products have emerged that allow GAB products to happen again, using popular VoIP services (Vonage and others), and a dedicated computer, running specific software, on the end of a good high-speed Internet connection... to make telephone chat rooms.

    Because of the way VoIP works, you can be in Hollywood, such as I am, and have New York City phone numbers! So the possibilities of providing toll-free service is awesome. Also, most guys have cell phones with free long distance service, so the days of needing to provide 800- toll free inbound is growing shorter daily.

    My thought is that such phone GAB lines would REALLY help webcam sites (actors would talk verbally rather than with keyboards - speech is sexier than keystrokes, which also leaves BOTH hands free!)...

    If webmasters were interested, I would be pleased to help them design telephone chat rooms.

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