is live! Adult webcam dating has a new face.

Many of you will notice the affiliate program looks and feels the same as AACash. Rest assured, it is.

Camazoncash has the same creatives, better conversions, and the superior level of customer support from the same team. However, Camazon represents new ownership. This new site offers more ways to earn your business: affiliate-generated blogs, new looks, many new geo targeted creatives and much much more. If you loved AACash you have to take the time to check out Camazoncash - you won't be sorry.

Due to the change in ownership we have reached an agreement to combine your AAC stats with your stats, so you get the best of both worlds in one easy payout. If you want to move your AAC stats over to your Camazoncash account, simply write, or contact your affiliate rep.

In order to jump start Camazon, we will be DOUBLING PAYOUTS from Apr 16th to the 30th. Very simple: we take what you're owed for the the last payperiod of the month and DOUBLE it.

Times two. 200%. Multiplique por dos.

Send traffic. Earn money. Double it.

WOOOOHOOOO! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime!!

* please note: spam will not be tolerated and complaints will result in banning/nonpayment of accounts. If you have any questions contact your Camazon/AAC rep first