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Thread: How does one get banned here, ENTER to see

  1. #1
    Greg Gaskell

    How does one get banned here, ENTER to see

    I think Lee is a time waster and prick!

    btw he owns the board so ban me.

    Lee delete me from your board cos all you do is waste me and my staff time for like 1 year, with your wanting to exchange staff for ads...
    funny how even people from your board tell me NOT TO DEAL WITH YOU

    Screw you and screw your board man.
    I set you up last time with employees for a board deal and you did not come through with the deal.

    Your boards members that use me have more to offer than you.
    5 times Lee – you’re an arrogant cheap dealer – pay for what you want…

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Dude, its not my fault that you dont see how by submitting sites for affiliates, on a daily basis and still paying them 60% of the sales IS losing the program money.

    Think about it for a second, im not attacking you at all, far from it, if you continued to do everything you are doing now but, didnt have the affiliates... That is an EXTRA 60% profit in your pocket each month.

    It really isnt complicated to see how im right on this, its basic math.

    as for the comments about me wanting to 'deal' with you, absolutely, this last time i openly told you that your $500 setup fee for a programmer is already 50% of what i was quoted for work, then add the 6 month minimum contract on and you can also see why simple math dictates that i shouldnt use your service this time.

    If i only need a programmer for a MAX of 2 weeks work, im not going to sign in to a 6 month contract.



  3. #3
    I have to share my feelings CJ-KJCash's Avatar
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    Well, I guess we can tie this to the First Amendment theme I have seen evolve lately. I'm certainly not going to interfere in a squabble that I have no knowlege of or interest in. I usually try to settle these things in private but that is the beauty of free speech.

    I like the board and I like Greg so I will just say hope it gets resolved and nobody gets banned over it. Just my 2 yuans worth.

  4. #4
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by sukime69
    Well, I guess we can tie this to the First Amendment theme I have seen evolve lately. I'm certainly not going to interfere in a squabble that I have no knowlege of or interest in. I usually try to settle these things in private but that is the beauty of free speech.

    I like the board and I like Greg so I will just say hope it gets resolved and nobody gets banned over it. Just my 2 yuans worth.
    I see no reason to ban anyone, this is all over the fact that Greg cant see how paying affiliates 60% for doing absolutely nothing, is losing a program 60% of their revenues.

    Why he chose to get all 'dramatical' on me i have no idea, but whatever makes him feel better

    The fact of the matter is, that paying affiliates 60% for doing absolutely NOTHING but joining a program IS throwing money away.



  5. #5
    Greg Gaskell
    Lee, shall i post all your job orders?


    the last 50 banners you want?
    How about the toonist?
    I'm sorting the history now, from over a year ago when we hired you 3 cartoonist and you never resplied back to us.

    I'm Tired of you and and your "deals"

    Your call i will post your history with us LEE and your,

    Lee, fuck you and fuck your deals with us.
    I will never deal with you again, well i have never dealt with you cos you never follow come through - according to everyone that tells me about you.

    Your a cheap skate and you know it, get your hand out once in a while rather than wasting time and money for others for your own satisfaction.

    What's you next lame excuse then?

  6. #6
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Gaskell
    Lee, shall i post all your job orders?
    Please do, post every single order i have ever made.

    Also, please back it up with invoices that have been sent to me as well as the work you have completed for me.

    Reality check..

    Asking for a price to get some work done is not placing an order.



  7. #7
    Greg Gaskell
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    I see no reason to ban anyone, this is all over the fact that Greg cant see how paying affiliates 60% for doing absolutely nothing, is losing a program 60% of their revenues.

    Why he chose to get all 'dramatical' on me i have no idea, but whatever makes him feel better

    The fact of the matter is, that paying affiliates 60% for doing absolutely NOTHING but joining a program IS throwing money away.



    Lee cannot understand %'s and how that those joins are joins you would never have had, if affilaites have access to that traffic you have to pay for it one way or another, but lee wants every thing for free.

    It's all relative, you either buy joins, pay for partner accounts, spend time to get them, or leeeeee spend time to get them....
    buy submit passes and so on.
    ohh link trade and shit like that, hey so you do all that yourself right and good for you.

    anyhow it has fuck all to do with what we do on our program it has to do with you LEE and how i and my company do not want to do business with you.

    you never want to pay, you want advertising deals.
    we did that, you did not deliver.
    you wanted banners, you confirmed.

    So many guys here will not say shit, they got no BALLS
    i'm a patient man Lee, but tell us how many deals did we do?

  8. #8
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Gaskell
    Lee cannot understand %'s and how that those joins are joins you would never have had, if affilaites have access to that traffic you have to pay for it one way or another, but lee wants every thing for free.
    If affiliates have access to that traffic.. Its because YOU have gotten it for them.. PERIOD! If you have the traffic anyway, why use it on affiliates, why not use it yourself and make 100% of each and every join? Greg, this really is common business sense, i think you'll be hard pushed to find anyone on GWW who will disagree with me on this matter.

    It's all relative, you either buy joins, pay for partner accounts, spend time to get them, or leeeeee spend time to get them....
    buy submit passes and so on.
    Agreed. But, why pay an affiliate 60% for YOU having done all the work for them? In fact, why have affiliates at all, it really doesnt make any logical sense whatsoever.

    anyhow it has fuck all to do with what we do on our program it has to do with you LEE and how i and my company do not want to do business with you.
    Dude, it has everything to do with your program, you got all defensive because i offered you some serious business advice.. If YOU are doing ALL the work for your affiliate.. Why pay them 60%? They have done nothing for you and all you are doing is throwing 60% of your income away.. For nothing.

    you never want to pay, you want advertising deals.
    we did that, you did not deliver.
    you wanted banners, you confirmed.
    Yes, i always want to spend the absolute lowest amount of $$$ possible. If that involves trading ad space for work, then thats what ill do, if that involves trading ad space for content, then thats what ill do.

    Bottom line Greg, 1 ad on GWW costs me a hell of a lot less than paying a $500 setup fee, again, basic business accounting, if you can get a $1000 service for the cost of 5 gigs in bandwidth or, $1000, which option would YOU choose?

    So many guys here will not say shit, they got no BALLS
    i'm a patient man Lee, but tell us how many deals did we do?
    We did 1 deal that i recall, which was for a cartoonist last year if i remember correctly, a couple of months after making the deal i contacted that girl you had working for you on ICQ, nothing, i contacted you on AIM and was told that the deal was off because i had waited 2 months.

    Any other contact we have had since then has been about getting prices for work, 50 banner designs for Condom Cash, which we got elsewhere because they were cheaper and, not to mention a much higher quality than your designers work but, thats neither here nor there right now, asking for a price quote to get some work done and actually placing an order, are 2 completely different things, again, basic business sense.



  9. #9
    It's weird that one group would take refracted light. Pretty greedy, gays. EonFilms_Rocky's Avatar
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    I am trading Lee content for banners... probably about $10,000.00 worth of content... and I'm more than happy to do it.

    Money isn't everything.

    AIM: EonFilmsSDiego
    AIM Mobile: BeachBoiSDiego
    Yahoo: sandiegoartpunk
    ICQ: (152-957-157)
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  10. #10
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by EonFilms_Rocky
    I am trading Lee content for banners... probably about $10,000.00 worth of content... and I'm more than happy to do it.

    Money isn't everything.

    Yeah fucker... Where is it huh, huh, huh? LOL

    Dont forget those self pics you promised me



  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by EonFilms_Rocky
    I am trading Lee content for banners... probably about $10,000.00 worth of content... and I'm more than happy to do it.

    Money isn't everything.


    Hell give me some content :wtf: I work night and day to afford enough content, and too pay designers to upgrade my site :cry:

  12. #12
    It's weird that one group would take refracted light. Pretty greedy, gays. EonFilms_Rocky's Avatar
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Yeah fucker... Where is it huh, huh, huh? LOL

    Dont forget those self pics you promised me



    Yeah, taxes and DVD's and other crap got in the way.

    And self pics... hm.. uh... here:

    Stop drooling. :beauty:

    AIM: EonFilmsSDiego
    AIM Mobile: BeachBoiSDiego
    Yahoo: sandiegoartpunk
    ICQ: (152-957-157)
    MSN Messenger:
    Phone: 619-944-6383
    MySpace: &

  13. #13
    Greg Gaskell
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    If affiliates have access to that traffic.. Its because YOU have gotten it for them.. PERIOD! If you have the traffic anyway, why use it on affiliates, why not use it yourself and make 100% of each and every join? Greg, this really is common business sense, i think you'll be hard pushed to find anyone on GWW who will disagree with me on this matter.
    Yea your are right, i'm gonna pack up and shut down operations, all 120 staff LEE.
    There are affiliates not using partner accounts 100%, we help them do that and it's about turning a profit which is common sense, but commome sense is not all that common.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Agreed. But, why pay an affiliate 60% for YOU having done all the work for them? In fact, why have affiliates at all, it really doesnt make any logical sense whatsoever.
    Yea, lets drop all our affiliates LEE, your right they never bring any business and why have them, they don't help anything they don't even make extra sales or bring in "type in traffic" they don't get sales on from branded galleries.

    We don't need links links links....

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Dude, it has everything to do with your program, you got all defensive because i offered you some serious business advice.. If YOU are doing ALL the work for your affiliate.. Why pay them 60%? They have done nothing for you and all you are doing is throwing 60% of your income away.. For nothing.
    No lee, you told me deecash are losing money, DEE has like 450 employees or somthing.

    Yes he must have his numbers wrong and you should be his business advisor as your a leader in the biz with all this stature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Yes, i always want to spend the absolute lowest amount of $$$ possible. If that involves trading ad space for work, then thats what ill do, if that involves trading ad space for content, then thats what ill do.

    Bottom line Greg, 1 ad on GWW costs me a hell of a lot less than paying a $500 setup fee, again, basic business accounting, if you can get a $1000 service for the cost of 5 gigs in bandwidth or, $1000, which option would YOU choose?
    Arrrhh, ok got it - so you don't pay for computers or software and you have how many staff lee?

    Well for $500 set up we give you a fully loaded computer that costs us $2000 and we have spent more that $200K with Mircosoft in 6 months.
    The bottom line is we are good at what we do and anyone not using our service should ask why, cos we got staff working at $595 a month and up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    We did 1 deal that i recall, which was for a cartoonist last year if i remember correctly, a couple of months after making the deal i contacted that girl you had working for you on ICQ, nothing, i contacted you on AIM and was told that the deal was off because i had waited 2 months.
    Lee, you were dealing with me not a girl.
    I set it up, hired the staff and you did not come come through.
    You never replied to emails and that guy we were going to give you one of our board members has and is doing very very well with him, i think they are launching a comic, they can comment on that.
    Hell what do i have to gain on this here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Any other contact we have had since then has been about getting prices for work, 50 banner designs for Condom Cash, which we got elsewhere because they were cheaper and, not to mention a much higher quality than your designers work but, thats neither here nor there right now, asking for a price quote to get some work done and actually placing an order, are 2 completely different things, again, basic business sense.
    Dam you got them cheaper than $10 a banner with 3 revisions each i think it was.
    Were the banners that we showed you the ones that were done for and or i might be wrong there.

  14. #14
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Greg Gaskell - you are free to say "no" when someone offers you a trade. i do it sometimes - smart business people do trades and if they don't work out they don't do ANOTHER and then blame the person they traded with.

    but if you get work from people on this board, or from lurkers, don't you think you're kind of shooting yourself in the foot by posting this?

  15. #15
    Greg Gaskell
    I'm going to sleep now. :gossip:

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