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Thread: Copyright Law

  1. #1

    Copyright Law

    I have a quick question about copyright, specifically with fanart.

    If a corporation owns a copyright on say, a particular cartoon character... Is it a copyright violation for people to draw their own versions of that character and post it online?

  2. #2
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    In all honesty, you shouldn't be asking for legal advice on a forum... I suggest doing a search for copyright laws, and contact someone (a lawyer) who specializes in it to give you sound advice.

  3. #3
    Originally posted by LdyLnWolf1
    In all honesty, you shouldn't be asking for legal advice on a forum... I suggest doing a search for copyright laws, and contact someone (a lawyer) who specializes in it to give you sound advice.
    I must STRONGLY second the advice of our very wise friend LdyLnWolf1! As I always say on the seminar panels and so on, when people ask any legal questions... even rather obvious ones... If you have a legal concern, always ask a lawyer. Don't take the word of anyone here who isn't a lawyer, and then put it into practice. I can only give you my experience, and my opinion of how it should and would be if I were the Attorney general (oh, we could only wish for such things! LOL..) I realise it's not convenient, and a financial burden, but you have to ask a lawyer. It's the only option for an answer you can bank on. :bandana:

  4. #4
    But the short answer is yes. Using a copyrighted character is the art-world version of begging to be kicked in the balls. Some companies don't mind, and even encourage their fans to appropraiate characters for fan art, but it doesn't change the fact that most companies can and will sue your sweet little ass until it's neither sweet nor little.

    But yeah, for the best advice get a lawyer to explain exactly what goes over that line.

  5. #5
    I suppose it depends on international copyright laws and such, but I know it aggravates the shit out of me to see copyrighted characters on adult "toon" sites. Especially underage characters like Sailor Moon that are meant for a non adult audience.

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