Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
I can not read what he say because I blocked him, but this guys just a dick weed. He is not going to be able to back up what he says. :max:
Max I have been in this business LONG before you have. I have spent thousands of dollars on paid ad spots. Created 1,000s of avs sites, 1,000s of free sites, designed member areas for several companies, have run affiliate programs for other webmasters as well as my own. I once had 10+% of the membership base of Bedfellow as my own before DMR went bust.

People that I respect, know me and know I got out of my way to help them. The advice I give is sound and from MY experiance, not what someone tells me on gay.com.

I am working now on a project that I MAY even apply a patent for. It's all about data mining, crunching numbers, and trackings surfers every movemants thru a network of "something" (can't say), and push that data to the clients end in the form of text links, ads, sites, and all the sales tools they need to increase conversion. Hell, it even goes as far as allowing paysite owners to offer mulitple prices based on surfers previous action.

And I am a dick weed and don't know what I am talking about. Wait and see.....