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Thread: Syntax error?

  1. #1

    Syntax error?

    What is a “Syntax error” I looked at the page and its loading, and working right, but in IE only I get a Syntax error “line 2” “char 1” “code 0” anyone have a idea how I can get rid of this? :cry:

  2. #2
    Life is a dick and when it´s get hard---just fuck it... DEVELISH's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    What is a “Syntax error” I looked at the page and its loading, and working right, but in IE only I get a Syntax error “line 2” “char 1” “code 0” anyone have a idea how I can get rid of this? :cry:
    Syntax Error means you have an error in your syntax - might be a spelling mistake or some weird coding error.

    All you have to do is clear that error on line 2, char 1, code 0 and you are set...

    Or you can cut and paste the the stuff it complains about - a few lines above and beneith the error - remote debugging is a pain in the butt and my crystal ball in in the shoppe for some overhaul.

  3. #3
    So you think this will be easy to fix? Its just that I have another 2 pages to do that will probably have the same error and I really this its best to get them all fixed at one time, but if ya want I can PM you the page. I would post in public but I am not sure about doing that yet.

  4. #4
    I do assume the problem is at the bottom of this coed, but I really can not see anything wrong with it

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  5. #5
    Life is a dick and when it´s get hard---just fuck it... DEVELISH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    <body bgcolor=#0063FB leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 onload="dynAnimation()">

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">

    if this is the full text try to add the following lines


  6. #6
    Thax man, but that was not the full text I will post it now but its pretty long

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  7. #7
    Its really long I know, just for the life of me I can not find this stupid problem, its not like something on the page is not working right if it was it would be much easier for me to find.

  8. #8
    Life is a dick and when it´s get hard---just fuck it... DEVELISH's Avatar
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    Jul 2005
    I am using FF 1.5 and IE 7 Beta - and can not find an error - only HTML validation warnings

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVELISH
    I am using FF 1.5 and IE 7 Beta - and can not find an error - only HTML validation warnings

    Well I only have the problem with IE 6.0 ? I will PM you the real URL so you can see, but it works with FF and everything else not sure what the problem is with this or I would not ask.

    Its weird though if I refresh the page the error gone away, until I try to open it in a new window.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVELISH
    if this is the full text try to add the following lines
    Damn you, :develish: - now I must go home, to change my pantaloons, because you, once again, made me pee in 'em.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Paco
    Damn you, :develish: - now I must go home, to change my pantaloons, because you, once again, made me pee in 'em.

    Ya that does nothing but add a table to the page, and it has all the rest of that. Do you know what the problem is man?

  12. #12
    Well I did track down the problem, now all I have to do it fix it LOL, the problem was my mouse-over script. I will contact my designers and try to get them to fix this for me, should be easy for them, unless one of you can spot the confection in my mouse over script and the page.

  13. #13
    Never mind you guys don’t waste you time I got it, “guess that’s why I make the big bucks LOL” was a bit tricky but I broke it all apart and found the confection.

  14. #14
    What does confection mean?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by abostonboy
    What does confection mean?
    the act of preserving or to prepare.

    Although I am more certain him are reefering to 'em candy coated almonds that peeps huck at the married couple.

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