Hi everybody! I just looked at my old posts and thought that it's been waaay too long since I've said anything useful (or anything stupid, for that matter :vanish: ) Gotta keep my day-job. Anyway, since I've been bugging you with silly questions for years now, thought I'd show you what I've been up to (and I'll use the chance to ask some more stoopid questions.) Here's where my stuff landed:

Husband's Secret Cum Loads

from there you can navegate around to the other 8 stores (this one #9: http://www.clips4sale.com/store/4217 is kinda hidden). I know it's like not a "real" website, but I think it's cool (particularly since I'm not god's own programmer or anything). I am way happy with the financial side, though, and I've only been there for 4 months.

Now for the questions:

I think the videos are well-placed on the platform. In your opinion (as profi pornographers /esses) would it make sense or be better to try and market the material with an own homepage? I'm not really sure. I mean I read all the time how everybody is fighting for traffic and my content is unusual (you can get an impression from the pix).

Can anybody suggest how I can get traffic to my store in the form that it now has? I have some listings in directories like MOTN and I'm swimming in the sextracker spam-lists, too. It has had a positive effect. I don't think that TGP, for ex, would be good for me.

Any useful input would be appreciated. (Maybe I can quit my day-job then :luke: ) Thanx again for ur time.