There are times when a simple JavaScript redirection from one page to another can come in handy and, the following JavaScripting will enable you to do this.

When a page contains this javascript, it will be redirected to another page that you specify in the "window.location=". You can change the number of refresh seconds by changing the "move()',1000 to the number of seconds you'd like.


1000 = 1 second
2000 = 2 seconds
3000 = 3 seconds

Place this JavaScript code between the <head> and </head> tags

<script language="JavaScript">
<!--hide from old browsers
var time = null
function move() {
window.location = ''

Place this JavaScript code in your <body> tag

<body onload="timer=setTimeout('move()',1000)">

You should now have a page that will redirect to a new url when it loads in the surfers browser window.

Article written by Lee.