So i have been doing a lot of looking around for scripts and other business related items over the last day or two and im actually really surprised at the amount of sites catering to B2B services that DONT mention how much the products or services they are selling cost :eek:

For example, i was looking for a script a few hours ago, found one that i thought i would like to use but, i tried finding out how much this script was going to cost and had to actually email the company for a 'price based on my needs' i mean wtf is that all about?

Another pet peeve that i have about B2B sites is when they have a 'list of features' but all it actually has listed as 'features' is 2 or 3 things and, when sites do list most of the common features, their descriptions are so damn vague that you really are no better off knowing what features they have than if they didnt list them at all LOL

So, when you go looking for B2B related products and services, what type of information do you hope to find on a site but often dont?

