For a company that is supposed to be the leader, or at least one of the biggest players in the VOD market place, I must say they have a lousy phone system.

Anyone tried to get a person on the phone over there lately?

I called their 800 number in their affiliate newsletter to speak to the rep (a new name. my rep keeps changing.. actually both of my reps keep changing. my affiliate rep and my studio rep. ) anyway, can't get her on the phone despite a notice in the email to call with any questions. Voice Mail. Okay fair enough...I'm calling from Thailand and don't want to leave a voice message because they are probably not going to call me back.

I want to call to talk to a person about expanding my affiliate relationship with them, which, in my opinion is already substantial with my monthly sales a solid 5 figures with them. It's a conversation that needs answers from a real person, and not an email exchange, yet I can't seem to get anyone on the phone.

I called back 4 times. I tried my new rep.. voice mail. I tried the CUSTOMER SERVICE line (extension 3) and was put in a que...then kicked out of the Que and given the initial menu again. 4 Times. I then called back and tried to get the operator at extension 0. Noone is there to answer the call and the voice mail box is full and not accepting any new messages.

I am not rating this experience very highly and would say that if I am experiencing this..others are too....and what's that doing to sales? The customer service line not working? That's serious business.

Anyone else having difficulties like this ?