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Thread: How Do You Tell When Someone Is Bullshitting?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    How Do You Tell When Someone Is Bullshitting?

    Ive been chatting to some newbie on ICQ for the last few days and trying to avoid calling him out but i just had a few minutes ago after he told me that his 'free site' made him 'almost $3500' in the last 7 days.

    Needless to say, i think i might have pissed him off a little as i slowly explained how i knew he was full of crap as he started to backpeddle LOL

    So how do you folks tell when someone is starting to BS you about stuff relating to the industry?



  2. #2
    Richard Craver
    depends on how bitchy i feel at the moment.

    usually i find that 'you're full of crap' gets the point across quickly and succinctly.

  3. #3
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    i don't worry about who is full of it. i develop long term relationships with clients and work associates, and i let trust develop over time. what that means is that when i start talking with someone, i just sort of wait and see how it goes. the newbs and hobbyists who like just to impress usually stand out a mile as most of their claims are outlandish - but entertaining

    after over ten years in online adult, it's not hard to recognize the regular ol' bs'ers and as for the more sophisticated liars and scammers - time really DOES tell

  4. #4
    For me normally I assume if someone’s lips are moving they are bullshitting me, so I let 99% of that crap go. I think I read some place the average person lies more than 20 times a day (politicians excluded), so again its hard for me to think ANYONE is not bullshitting me with out real proof to the contrary.

    I always try to first off see if they are really doing what the preach, a example of this would be a guy that went on for like 8 paragraphs about how he hates flash and all it did was hurt his sales when he used it, but a quick look at his sites and you would find that most of them used flash very liberally.

    Over 90% of people believe in a visible man that lives in the sky, like some perverted yet impudent voyeur, so I put VERY little stock in what people say or believe. :fool:

  5. #5
    you dont see the irony do you max..

  6. #6
    Smut Peddler XXXWriterDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    So how do you folks tell when someone is starting to BS you about stuff relating to the industry?

    If they brag too much about their site, then I usually just ignore them. Anyone who oversells their program usually doesn't have the content to back it up.
    Ken Knox (aka "Colt Spencer")
    Entertainment Journalist/Porn Writer
    AIM: KKnox0616 / ICQ: 317380607

  7. #7
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    The outlandish numbers are a dead giveaway, but so are the guys who are just *too* smooth.

    I was talking to some guy who claimed he was selling 15,000 copies of each of his DVDs... yet when I asked him who was distributing him, he didn't have a distributor... had the jankiest website you've ever seen with no way to do an online purchase. Unless he was selling out of the trunk of his car, he was full of it.

    Then there are the guys who have an answer for everything and throw around buzzwords... but when you ask any questions that require detailed answers, you get more fluff and avoidance

    But my favorite was when AJ was talking to some model about doing a shoot for us. We were discussing money, and he said "Oh, I'd never do that. So-and-so studio offered me $2000 for a solo." Well, we happened to be friends with so-and-so studio (a very well known producer) and knew pretty much what they paid. So aj says "Oh, ____________ (studio owner) offered you $2000? He never pays anywhere near that." And the guy says "You know ___________?" And AJ says "Yes, we actually know a lot of the people in the business, it's a small industry.

    And the guy signed off.

  8. #8
    I dont is the simple answer. I tend to be too trusting and believe what people say

  9. #9
    Making Pain Pay!
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    Jul 2006

    I wish...

    I wish there was an easy way...

    When we first started, we got 'steered down the wrong path' more than once by people who (now that I have been around the block a few times) I can easily see are/were full of shit.

    I would say for new people, finding someone you can trust that is willing to help mentor you is critical. (We took refuge under someone's wings and are finally starting to fly well on our own.)

    I would also think that these boards are a great way to check facts as well. A simple "Does anyone know so-and-so?" would surely bring some results if they are indeed in the business.

    Lastly, I have learned painfully, that the best way is to trust your gut. That is why I feel that face-2-face events like GPF, Internext, etc. are the BEST way to meet and establish trusting business relationships. is a CCBill affiliate program for the male spanking and punishment site


  10. #10
    The last lying con-man i fell victim to "Pulz Productions" nearly cost me my business, and has landed me in thousands of pounds of debt. I learned my lesson with that one, and now i have a new attitude.

    "i will believe it when i see it. If i cant see it, your full of shit"

    I think it comes with experience. I learned my lesson, and it teached you to not trust, or believe anyone at first. Its a shame, but its true.

  11. #11
    Randall Shamp

    If it sounds to good.. lol

    Hey its not easy finding people that are honest hardworking and can prove their work.

    I usually figure if you cant prove it i dont believe it.

    alright who ordered the sinic.


  12. #12
    Simple - the moment I see peoples lips moving!

    Too many now-a-days feel lying is acceptable or that there is a difference between certain types of lies. May be when dealing with your family and friends, but not in business - a lie is a lie!

    With the amount of "playas" (kuh-riced, do I ever DISLIKE that term) and flexin' in the industry, I tend to not give out my trust so easily - it is to be earned!

    "Fair" or not, it is simply how I do things.

  13. #13
    Why tell them you can smell their bullshit in the first place? Sometimes knowing that they're full of it, without them being aware of this, can give you a much bigger edge than chasing them off.

  14. #14
    not all are interested in going against their beliefs by doing business with said types.

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